Link 12/13/2021 | Naked Capitalism

Link 12/13/2021 | Naked Capitalism



George Orwell outside the whale New statesman. Ian McEwan.

John Le Carré’s novels are not just spy thrillers – they are advanced literature Jacobin I 1/3 passed reading Silverview, his last one.

Innovative technologies that power Inca British Broadcasting Corporation

Airborne DNA used to detect insect species brings breakthroughs for ecologists guardian

The winter storm will dump eight feet of snow in Northern California and will also bring rain and wind to other parts of the Golden State as forecasters warn of power outages Daily mail

Tropical forests can regenerate in just 20 years without human intervention guardian

Loktak Lake: Human and environmental costs of hydropower diplomat

Don’t let the dust settle on “holding assets”.Make them into new life-saving drugs statistics

Eternal images in 2021 Warburg

#Coronavirus disease

National Health Innovation Project syndicate. Mariana Mazzucato and Jayati Ghosh.


Hong Kong research shows that BioNTech is much weaker than Omicron RTHK BioNTech (Pfizer). IIRC Pfizer is one of two vaccine options available to Hong Kong residents.


With nearly 800,000 deaths from the virus in the U.S., 1 in every 100 American seniors will die now

Omicron in Washington, DC, 30 U.S. states prepare to dominate in Europe as a variant Wabo

According to the WHO, preliminary evidence suggests that Omicron reduces vaccine efficacy and spreads faster than Delta scroll

Omicron’s “tidal wave” is coming, warning the British Prime Minister to set booster targets NDTV

As the UK started a booster blitz against omicron, there was a long queue Associated Press

UK NHS says no more sidestream home test kits are available guardian

Health officials say Israel will impose travel bans on Britain and Denmark Reuters


Covid: South Africa broke the daily record of cases because the Omicron variant drives the fourth wave Hindustan Times

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa tested positive for Covid-19 France 24

Canada will cancel third-country COVID testing rules for residents returning from southern African countries Reuters


Despite the omicron Governor of Colorado declared the COVID-19 emergency “end” New York Post

Health officials stepped up their calls for boosters under the threat of the omicron wave Hill


COVID-19 vaccine booster dose can be waited: ICMR Hindus

We have enough Covid vaccines for use in most parts of the world.But rich countries have more reserves than they need for boosters statistics

Class struggle

After ten years of parole, I see 2021 as a new beginning. There are other plans for life. Marshall Plan

Hate little bureaucracy? Become a socialist. Jacobin

With the onset of the storm, the shortage of snowplow drivers hindered the development of the states Associated Press

The Democratic Party fights to protect coastal elites Atlantic

California dream

He was hired to repair a California school-while also operating a business in Philadelphia politics

New York State of Mind

Wake up the watch

Is the awakening almost over? American Conservative Party

COP26/climate change

Postcard from the burning world now

When carbon credits drive people out of their homes electric wire

“We are facing so many cyclones”: How people in Bangladesh rebuild after the climate disaster guardian

Pictured: Five of the six Amazon workers killed after a tornado in Illinois destroyed the warehouse-including a navy veterinarian who killed a colleague-while Bezos hosted a weekend party at his mansion in Beverly Hills Daily mail

Frost, heat waves and wildfires: the climate crisis is hitting the wine industry severely guardian

The Inupiat brothers watched their land melt British Broadcasting Corporation

“2.4C is the death penalty”: Vanessa Nakate fights for forgotten countries with climate crisis guardian

Julian Assange

Biden Administration

‘Does Kamala Harris have some challenges now? You bet she will. This is the fix. politics

Biden’s efforts to appease Israel on the Iran issue have failed in every way Responsible country strategy


On the road: Trump-inspired challenger targets Republican governors Hill

Hillary Clinton said that after the new polls found that Trump and Biden would eventually be near the end of the White House, she would “bet” that Trump would run for president again in 2024. Daily mail


Opinion | The Supreme Court likes precedent-when it supports conservatives politics


G7 ministers issued warnings to Iran and Russia German wave


Vladimir Putin says he drove a taxi after the collapse of the Soviet Union German wave

Old Brady

Britain finally has an Asian-style bullet train Asia Times

The Conservative Party’s participation in Alpha Covid Variant’s party is a symbol of their grim response to the pandemic Fight back. Patrick Coburn.


That’s why the plan to deal with Pashmina Wool in UP worries Kashmiris electric wire

India’s latest religious and cultural hotspot: eggs now

How migrant worker welfare in small businesses continues to be ignored in India spend

Modi and his Hindu brand are the direct descendants of British rule and its policies electric wire

India’s solution: BSF’s expanded jurisdiction highlights India’s current moment of federal collapse scroll


Hype and anger dawn


China in Africa: As debt hits countries battling Covid-19 disruption, there is no longer hard cash South China Morning Post

Taiwanese chipmaker hints at decoupling from the U.S. Asia Times

Daily antidote. mgl: We are more capable of saving species like golden shoulder parrots today than we were a century ago. Russell McGregor. One hundred years ago, this man discovered an exquisite parrot that was thought to be extinct.What follows is a tragedy that we cannot repeat the same mistakes

See yesterday’s link and antidote du Jour here.

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