Russia supports ASEAN to reach consensus on Myanmar crisis

Russia supports ASEAN to reach consensus on Myanmar crisis



During his visit to Jakarta, the top Russian diplomat stated that the five-point consensus of ASEAN should be the basis for resolving the crisis in Myanmar.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed support for Southeast Asia to end the political crisis in Myanmar through diplomatic efforts.

During his visit to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, Lavrov stated that the five-point consensus agreed by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) group should become the basis for resolving the situation in Myanmar.

Lavrov told reporters: “In our contacts with Myanmar leaders and military leaders, we have elevated the position of ASEAN. We believe this should be seen as the basis for resolving this crisis and returning the situation to normal. .”

After meeting with his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi, he delivered a speech at a video press conference.

The diplomat’s comments are of great significance. They were issued at a time when Russia and the Burmese military are deepening contacts, despite major global powers sanctioning their companies and top leaders, and calling for a global ban on the sale of weapons to this Southeast Asian country.

Masudi emphasized the importance of the five-point consensus — calling for an immediate end to the violence in Myanmar and the start of dialogue between the parties — and asking Russia to support its implementation.

“This requires the Myanmar military to commit to cooperating with other ASEAN member states,” she said.

Myanmar has been in crisis since the military removed Aung San Suu Kyi as the government on February 1. The seizure of power triggered nationwide anger, which quickly evolved into protests and strikes, which were brutally suppressed by security forces. In fighting between security forces and newly formed combat groups across the country, at least 892 people were killed and tens of thousands were displaced.

General Min Aung Hlaing, who led the February coup, met with ASEAN leaders in April and agreed to their peace plan. In addition to calling for dialogue and ending violence, the plan also called for the appointment of a special envoy and expanded humanitarian access to conflict-affected areas.

However, the military did not show its intention to stay the course to the end. Instead, it reiterated its own completely different plan to restore order and democracy. The lack of action by the military has frustrated the most outspoken members of ASEAN, including Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.

Although Russia also expressed concern about the violence in Myanmar, it is one of the few countries that recognizes the Min Aung Lai government. It is the main supplier of weapons and training for the Myanmar military, and has sent senior officials to the Congress to meet with the generals.

Last month, Russia also welcomed Min Anglai and the military delegation for a long-term visit to Moscow, during which he gave many speeches and accepted media interviews, and was awarded an honorary professor.

Before the Russian envoy goes to Laos, another Southeast Asian country, Lavrov and Marsuddy plan to co-chair a video conference with other ASEAN foreign ministers.


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