Pennsylvania passed the NIL for college athletes

Pennsylvania passed the NIL for college athletes



Student athletes at the University of Pennsylvania can benefit from their names, images, and portraits along with others in the country—a huge change in NCAA policy.

Signed by Governor Tom Wolfe on Wednesday legislation Schools and sports leagues are prohibited from sanctioning college athletes who earn royalties through the sale of team jerseys, college team video games, or college team trading cards. Student athletes can also hire financial advisers, lawyers or agents to negotiate contracts on their behalf.

On Thursday, the NCAA suspended regulations regarding student athlete names, images and portraits or NIL. Auburn quarterback Bonix Was one of the first companies to take advantage of the policy change and announced the sponsorship Milo’s Tea Company Just after midnight.

elsewhere, Florida quarterback McKenzie Milton and Miami quarterback D’Eric King Launched a program called Dreamland, It hopes to provide a platform for student athletes to arrange meetings and photo and video shooting for marketing activities.

The website said: “Our commitment to you is to provide a safe and reliable way to exchange products, secure reservations and introduce new ideas that uniquely represent you so that the fruits of your labor will be rewarded.”

University of Pennsylvania Interim Sports Director Rudy Fuller stated that policy changes have opened up “a new era of intercollegiate sports,” and the University of Pennsylvania “is well-positioned to meet our student-athlete needs for NIL.”

Villanova Hall of Fame Basketball Coach Jay Wright Responding to this sentiment on Twitter: “This is undoubtedly a new day for college sports and its student athletes. I look forward to our players having the opportunity to explore the new opportunities that the state and NCAA legislation will provide them. “

in Temple UniversityActing Athletic Director Fran Dunphy said the school is “happy that student athletes can use their NIL in accordance with state laws and will provide them with education to help them complete this process.”

At the same time, the Penn State University track team unveiled A program called STATEment, It said it will “help students understand and develop their brand through meaningful educational programs and an emphasis on entrepreneurship.”

Pennsylvania is one of more than 20 states Legislation legalizes the compensation of student athletes, although the NCAA stated that states without NIL laws can profit from their names, images, and likenesses without violating the organization’s rules.

“With the variety of state laws passed across the country, we will continue to work with Congress to develop solutions to provide clear solutions across the country,” NCAA Chairman Mark Emmert said Thursday In the press release. “The current legal and legislative environment prevents us from providing more durable solutions and the level of detail that student athletes deserve.”

Under Pennsylvania’s new NIL law, there are some restrictions on what student athletes can do. They cannot be compensated for adult entertainment, alcohol, casinos, gambling, gambling, tobacco, e-cigarettes, prescription drugs or illegal drugs. Schools can also prohibit student athletes from getting paid for activities that they believe conflict with “existing institutional sponsorship arrangements” or “institutional values.”

Student athletes must report the contract to their school and cannot ask the school and sports league to help student athletes get compensation.

A few weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the governing body cannot restrict the education-related benefits (such as computers and paid internships) that universities can provide to student athletes, NCAA policy changed.


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