The Office of the Secretary of Defense tries to “control” the investigation: military inspector

The Office of the Secretary of Defense tries to “control” the investigation: military inspector



The country’s military monitors opened fire on the Liberal government, accusing the Office of the Secretary of Defense of trying to “control” the investigation and ignoring reform proposals.

Gregory Lick’s fierce criticism was included in a position paper released on Tuesday, which was caused by the ongoing investigation of sexual misconduct in the military.

He called for the Office of the Ombudsman to be completely independent and report to the Parliament instead of the Office of the Minister.

“When leaders turn a blind eye to our suggestions and concerns in order to advance political interests and their own self-protection or professional development, it is members of the national defense community who bear the consequences,” Leike said on Tuesday 20.

“It is clear that the rewards of inaction far outweigh the actions.”

His remarks and written statements reflect the testimony of his predecessor Gary Walburn, who told a parliamentary committee last winter that Secretary of Defense Hajit Sajan refused to view evidence of alleged misconduct by the former Chief of Defense Staff and retired General Jonathan Vance. . The Ombudsman’s Office received it.

Walbourne has made similar complaints and suggestions about independence.

In Lick’s position paper, he cited how the minister’s office “put aside” the report and “delayed the publication and provision of the report to the public.”

He wrote that the inspectors had been given “instructions to conduct systematic investigations,” only to revoke these orders without justification.

The report cited an example from last week, “The Department of Defense tried to control the review and approval of issues,” which were prepared for military personnel participating in the ongoing employment fairness system investigation.

The report said: “Because the approval process proposed by the department would undermine the independence of the investigation, the office was delayed.” Leek also said that he had seen some cases where the Ministry of Defense sat idly by “sensitive information that may displease the military.”

“This cannot be sustained,” Lick wrote in his report.

He also accused the department and the military of trying to negotiate the independence of the Ombudsman’s Office.

The report stated: “Reporting directly to Parliament will eliminate political influence and ensure that all relevant information and recommendations concerning the Canadian Armed Forces and the Ministry of National Defense are delivered to all members of Parliament in a timely manner.”

Lick said the inability of the government and the military to deal with sexual misconduct may be directly related to the lack of accountability.

The report said: “Only when actions are taken will the scandal cycle triggered by research, independent oversight recommendations, semi-solutions, and resistance by the Ministry of Defense or the Canadian Armed Forces be broken.”


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