Max was shocked by the devastating news, and Lucky Party Andre’s final betrayal

Max was shocked by the devastating news, and Lucky Party Andre’s final betrayal



HOLBY City viewers will see Max was shocked by the devastating news, and luckily for the final betrayal of Andre next week.

A BBC fan will watch Jo Martin, a neurosurgery consultant at the hospital, struggling as she becomes a patient.

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Max will be overwhelmed by devastating health newsCredit: BBC

Max is preparing for her mastectomy, but the tension between her and her son Louis is everywhere. Louis deliberately diverted his attention to look at her.

Despite initially denying her BRCA1 test results, Max seemed determined to undergo surgery.

However, when she received devastating news that her blood indicated that she had anemia, the doctor was surprised again.

This meant that she was unable to perform breast reconstruction as planned. The news made her visibly shaken and she refused to undergo surgery.

A BBC viewer will see Max preparing for her mastectomy


A BBC viewer will see Max preparing for her mastectomyCredit: BBC

Max later remembered his senses and agreed with the idea that nurse Essi died unfortunately after her battle with ovarian cancer, and agreed with this view.

Max and Louis made compensation after recovering from the operation and apologized to Louis because he was not with him during the transition period.

In the exciting scene, Louis vowed to support his mother during this difficult time, and Max promised to make up for the lost time.

Meanwhile, Lucky was forced to betray Kian after being put down in a corner by Fletch, and Fletch urged her to follow basic protection procedures.

Louis and Max made compensation and vowed to make up for the lost time


Louis and Max made compensation and vowed to make up for the lost timeCredit: BBC

Fortunately, despite Lucky’s insistence that their relationship should be strictly professional, her appeal to Kian has grown in the past few weeks.

Lucky and Kian put her card on the table together and asked him to go out, but Kian is still deceiving her about notifying social services through Andrei.

This week, viewers will see Lucky forced to do incredible things and report Andrei to the social service.

Elsewhere, when Andrei left the woods after an earlier collapse, Kian was happy.

Lucky will be forced to betray Jian'an


Lucky will be forced to betray Jian’anCredit: BBC
Kian did not know that Lucky had reported Andrei to the social services department


Kian did not know that Lucky had reported Andrei to the social services departmentCredit: BBC

However, Lucky knew that his world was about to collapse, which made him feel guilty.

At the same time, when Josh and Angers slip out of the duty room unknowingly, they will be attracted by Dom and Chloe.

Josh asked Ange about their relationship and explained that others had clearly expressed their interest.

The jealous Ange told Josh that it was good to meet other people, but later made it clear that she did not want him to date other people, and the two agreed to be exclusive.

Angers told Josh that she wanted to be unique


Angers told Josh that she wanted to be uniqueCredit: BBC
Josh and Ange are caught by Dom and Chloe


Josh and Ange are caught by Dom and ChloeCredit: BBC

But, will the couple be able to maintain their secret relationship, or Dom and Chloe will reveal their secrets?

Viewers will also find a shocking discovery after Evey finds Andrei who is seriously injured in the basement.

Kane persuaded Andrei to return to the hospital next week to undergo his surgery.

But the scope of Kian’s unethical behavior quickly became clear, and Evie was in danger.

Evie is in danger next week


Evie is in danger next weekCredit: BBC

Last week, the audience saw Dominic Copeland take his brutal vendetta to new heights-and fired Sacha Levy.

Dom, played by David Ames, avenged him after he put a pouch in a car accident in February.

Seeing that he had a chance to attack further, Dom turned Henrik Hanssen and lied to him, claiming that Sacha tried to perform an illegal operation on him without his consent to remove the stoma.

Today, Sacha has nowhere to go, and Dom retires as the new clinical director.

Dom slipped and decided to contact Henrik Hanssen


Dom slipped and decided to contact Henrik HanssenCredit: BBC

But he later slipped away in a conversation with Louis about the importance of friends and friends.

Dom decided to reach out and contact Hanssen-but what would he say?

Henrik Hanssen was abused as a child in Holby City


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