Armin Laschet calls on Germany to adopt an “active” foreign policy

Armin Laschet calls on Germany to adopt an “active” foreign policy



Armin Laschet, Taking over as one of the leaders of German Chancellor Angela Merkel this year, he called for the establishment of a National Security Council as part of a more “active” foreign policy.

Since being selected as the foreign and national defense policy last month, Laschete made this recommendation in his first important speech on foreign and national defense policy. Center-right prime minister candidate In the Bundestag election in September.

Laschet called for a “more strategic” approach to international affairs to improve Germany’s resilience to crises, terrorist attacks and epidemics. It is not enough to “react to the crisis-we must become proactive”.

This can be achieved by establishing a National Security Council headquartered in the Prime Minister’s Office, which will bring together “the expertise of the entire government for our country at a decisive moment”. According to his proposal, the Security Council will formulate a “national security strategy” and put it forward in the first year of each parliamentary term.

Laschet suggested that he align with Merkel’s time on most policy issues, agree with her attitude towards Russia-US relations, and expressed support for this controversial issue. Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline From Russia to Germany.

Like Merkel, he emphasized the importance of establishing a close economic relationship with China, which he identified as a “partner, competitor and competitor” and supported the approval of trade relations with China. Investment agreement The EU clashed with the country at the end of December.

But Lahirte also criticized the sanctions Beijing imposed on European legislators in March in retaliation for the EU sanctions on four Chinese officials suspected of human rights violations in Xinjiang, and hinted that unless the measure is cancelled, the investment agreement Will not be approved.

“If you want to be [our] Partner, you must show mutual respect,” he said. “So on this issue, I hope to see the Chinese side move. “

Laschet Elected the leader of the Christian Democratic League In January of this year, Germany also insisted that Germany must fulfill its NATO commitment to spend 2% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on national defense, a goal that the country has never achieved. The Green Party’s voter turnout is second only to the CDU, which has exceeded 20%. It is widely expected that it will become a member of the next German government. People have long been skeptical of the 2% target.

Laschet admitted that achieving this goal will be “very ambitious” after the pandemic has cast a shadow on the country’s public finances. He said: “However, our security and the need to arm and equip the Bundeswehr should not be left behind.”

In a virtual event hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation affiliated to the CDU, Laschet conveyed a strong pro-European message, calling on countries that are prepared to adopt a stronger EU foreign policy to become “core Europe.” He said that this vanguard could initially be composed of Germany and France, although others are free to join.

He also stated that the EU must develop a security relationship with the post-Brexit United Kingdom and restore transatlantic relations, calling for the establishment of a “large free trade area” between Europe and the United States, and the formulation of a common climate change policy. He echoed the prime minister, and also issued a strong call for multilateralism and the reform of international institutions such as the United Nations.

Laschet described Hungary’s recent actions in the European Union as “a core issue of European foreign policy.” Budapest is the only member state to prevent a joint statement urging a ceasefire in the Middle East.

“I think we must gradually move towards qualified majority voting [EU] Foreign policy,” he said.


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