Texas officer shoots woman for honking, gets arrested

Texas officer shoots woman for honking, gets arrested


12/01/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Houston – A police officer in Texas was arrested for shooting a woman who reportedly honked her horn after he allegedly cut her off in traffic. As reported by Inquisitr, the road rage incident involving the officer Kenneth Caplan occurred on November 11.

Caplan is a reserve deputy constable for Precinct 6 in Harris County. The woman, who spoke of her experience to the Houston Chronicle said he became enraged after she honked her horn and drove around him in response to being cut off.

The woman said the constable, who was not on duty or wearing his uniform at the time, then “drove alongside her, rolled his window down, pointed his weapon and opened fire.”

The bullet reportedly grazed the woman’s head and she was hospitalized for three days.

Precinct 6 is quoted as saying in a news release in regard to the incident, “Precinct 6 neither condones nor tolerates the actions taken by Kenneth Caplan that connected him to this incident, and the necessary measures were taken to collect his credentials and remove him from our status.”

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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/texas-officer-shoots-woman-for-honking-gets-arrested_12681.html

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