Radio host fired over profanity laced tweet

Radio host fired over profanity laced tweet


07/04/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

New York – Anthony Cumia of the talk radio program “Opie and Anthony” has been fired from his show after a Twitter rant. As reported by The Wire, the entertainment personality was fired after tweeting a message that included profanity and derogatory comments about a woman who purportedly assaulted him.

The African American woman, who has not been identified, allegedly hit Cumia after believing he was taking photos of her. Following the incident, Cumia released several tweets, referring to the woman in some as a “cunt” and a “savage.” Neither Cumia, or the woman have reportedly contacted police about the incident.

Cumia is quoted as posting in a tweet of his firing, “Sirius decided to cave and fire me. Welcome to bizarro world. Fired for shit that wasn’t even on the air & wasn’t illegal. So, who’s next? — Anthony Cumia (@AnthonyCumia) July 4, 2014”

Sirius XM released a statement to investors on July 4, explaining the details of Cumia’s termination.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – New York Legal News

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