Accused killer to cover up ‘murder’ tattoo with turtleneck in court

Accused killer to cover up ‘murder’ tattoo with turtleneck in court


04/24/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Kansas – A Kansas man whose criminal trial is set to begin this summer will be allowed to wear a turtleneck to cover up his “murder” tattoo in court. As reported by Reuters, attorneys for the defendant, Jeffrey Chapman, 32 sought permission from the court to have the tattoo professionally removed, stating it could hurt his defense. However, in accordance with state law, a licensed tattoo artist is not permitted to practice outside of a licensed facility.

Chapman, who is currently in jail awaiting trial, also cannot have a professional tattoo artist come to him. As a compromise attorneys for both sides agreed “to have the defendant wear a turtleneck,” according to a spokesperson for the Kansas Supreme Court, Office of Judicial Administration.

Chapman stands accused of shooting and killing Damon Galyardt in 2011. The trial is set to begin August 18.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Kansas Legal News

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