‘Patient dumping’ lawsuit rejected by federal judge in Nevada

‘Patient dumping’ lawsuit rejected by federal judge in Nevada


02/13/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Las Vegas – A “patient dumping” lawsuit alleging Nevada officials and the state psychiatric hospital in Las Vegas violated the civil rights of a patient, was rejected by a federal judge in Nevada on Thursday. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), U.S. District Court Judge James Mahan dismissed the case, but left open the possibility for it to be filed again in another court.

Mahan is quoted by the AP as writing in his decision, “Plaintiff’s complaint does not establish that he was compelled to leave the state… merely that defendants gave him the resources by which to do so.”

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of patient James Flavey Coy Brown, who was sent to another state by bus after being released from the psychiatric hospital. Attorneys for the plaintiff were seeking class-action status for the suit.

ACLU attorney Allen Lichtenstein is quoted by the AP as stating after the judge’s ruling, “We’re going to refile… The judge did not — repeat, did not — say Rawson-Neal (Psychiatric Hospital) was in the right and our client did not suffer. He didn’t rule on the merits.”

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Las Vegas Legal News

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