Quentin Tarantino files lawsuit over leak of Western movie script

Quentin Tarantino files lawsuit over leak of Western movie script


01/27/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Los Angeles – Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit over the leak of the script of a Western posted online. As reported by Reuters, the Oscar winning writer-director filed the suit against media outlet Gawker Media in U.S. district court in Los Angeles on Monday.

In the filing, Tarantino is seeking $1 million for Gawker’s alleged promotion and distribution of unauthorized copies of the 146-page screenplay. Gawker editor John Cook has denied the allegations, claiming only a link to download the script had been published on Gawker.com.

Tarantino has stated that the plans to make the film “The Hateful Eight” have now been scrapped due to the leak and the script would be published instead.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Los Angeles Legal News

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