Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt admit to blowing through millions

Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt admit to blowing through millions


12/10/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

California – Former MTV reality stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt recently revealed that they blew through the $10 million fortune they amassed while working for MTV. As reported by The Huffington Post, the couple discussed their lives since “The Hills” went off the air in 2010.

Pratt is quoted as stating in an HLN interview, “We just thought we were Jay Z and Beyonce… We didn’t think about long term. In the moment, it was just, like, the money was coming so fast and there was so much fame. You just can’t imagine it like a light switch turning off. We were reckless with our money.”

The pair said in a different interview that they spent money on frivolous items like $4,000 bottles of wine.

A feature about the couple, “After Shock: Heidi & Spencer” aired on E! Dec. 9.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – California Entertainment News

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