Lawsuit over kosher hot dogs dismissed

Lawsuit over kosher hot dogs dismissed


01/31/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

New York – A judge has dismissed a lawsuit against ConAgra Foods Inc. filed by a group of consumers claiming the company’s Hebrew National hot dogs in addition to other products did not meet the standards for being kosher. As reported by Reuters, U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank in St. Paul federal court ruled the dispute was not within his jurisdiction because it was faith-based.

The plaintiffs in the case alleged that ConAgra did not follow proper religious procedures in processing and packaging the products in question and sought unspecified damages in addition to other terms.

Frank is quoted by Reuters as writing in his decision, “Any judicial inquiry as to whether defendant misrepresented that its Hebrew National products are “100% kosher” (when Triangle K, an undisputedly religious entity, certified them as such) would necessarily intrude upon rabbinical religious autonomy.”

“It is Triangle K and its Orthodox rabbis who make such determinations…Naturally, therefore, this court cannot determine whether defendant’s Hebrew National products are in fact kosher without delving into questions of religious doctrine,” the judge further noted.

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