Texas Supreme Court to decide on dog sentimental value case

Texas Supreme Court to decide on dog sentimental value case


01/10/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Austin, TX – The Texas Supreme Court has taken up the issue of whether dog owners can sue for the “emotional value” of their pets. As reported by The Dallas Morning News, the court began debating the issue Thursday in relation to the case of a family Labrador retriever that was mistakenly euthanized by a Fort Worth animal shelter in 2009, after the dog ran away from home.

In accordance with Texas law, dogs are deemed property; however, sentimental value is not weighed in the event that they are lost or stolen.

Randall Turner, an attorney for the family of the deceased animal, is quoted as stating to the court, “We’re asking dogs to be treated like all other property.”

A ruling by the court isn’t expected to take place for several weeks.

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