Woman found not guilty in crash possibly linked to seizure

Woman found not guilty in crash possibly linked to seizure


06/17/2012 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNews // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Colorado – A Colorado woman has been found not guilty in a fatal crash that was possibly linked to a seizure. As reported by ABC News, Monica Chavez was acquitted of negligent homicide charges stemming from a car accident last year, in which a family of five was killed.

Chavez’s vehicle reportedly went airborne and collided with two other vehicles after she suffered a seizure while driving. Chavez reportedly experienced other seizure-like episodes in the years prior. Colorado does not require doctors to inform the department of motor vehicles about patients who’ve been diagnosed with seizures.

A relative of the victims killed in the accident, Jessica Johnson, is quoted in the report as stating following the verdict, “It’s wrong. This verdict is wrong.”

Defense attorney Megan Downing is further quoted as stating of the matter, “No doctor will tell you that she should not have been driving five years after something that they never called a seizure… She was told she was fine and that’s why she was in the car that day.”

Justice News Flash delivers the latest in Colorado car accident news.

Media Information:

Address: 215 South Olive Suite 300 W. Palm Beach FL 33401
Phone: 866-598-1315
Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/woman-found-not-guilty-in-crash-possibly-linked-to-seizure_7168.html

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