CPSC: RX Lockers Recalled for Allowing Unauthorized Access

CPSC: RX Lockers Recalled for Allowing Unauthorized Access


03/07/2012 // WPB, FL, USA // Injury Lawyers News // Nicole Howley

Henderson, NV — The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Locker Brand Inc. have voluntarily recalled about 59,600 medicine bottle storage containers for allowing unauthorized access to the medicine containers. The CPSC announced the nationwide product recall on March 7, 2012.

The medicine containers were recalled after discovering that the container can be opened by applying pressure to the latch when it is locked, which can allow unauthorized access to the container.

“The Rx Locker is a medicine bottle storage container. It is made of orange plastic with a white top resembling four pill containers. It has a metal, three-number combination lock on the front. Production batch numbers are printed on the bottom of the container. The recalled containers were manufactured between May 2010 to December 2010 and can be identified by the last six numbers in the production batch number. Recalled batch numbers end with: 052 010, 062 010, 082 010 and 122 010,” reported the CPSC.

Consumers are advised to contact Locker Brand for a free return mailer. RX Locker will provide a full refund after returning.

For more information concerning the product recall, consumers can contact Locker Brand toll-free at (888) 491-6617 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday, e-mail the firm at [email protected], or visit www.rxlocker.com.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for product liability lawyers.

Media Information:

Phone: 561-247-1646
Url: West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer News

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