Don’t Hide Your Lawyer Web Videos in Cyberspace

Don’t Hide Your Lawyer Web Videos in Cyberspace


11/03/2011 // Palm Beach, FL, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras

Not optimizing your lawyer web videos is akin to just setting them adrift and hoping they wash back ashore on page one. Highly unlikely without the help of video optimization, which Google Universal supports for web videos. This isn’t the only step when creating lawyer web videos; quality production, a call to action, and a smiling face are also other important factors that can help “convert your video viewers into customers.” But remember viewers can’t hire you if you’re hiding.

Media Information:

Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
Url: Lawyer marketing – Rene Perras

Read the full story on:9 Tips For Increasing Video Conversions

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