Four Items You Must Know About Compelling Web Design says Dallas Website Designer

Four Items You Must Know About Compelling Web Design says Dallas Website Designer



Are you thinking about implementing a web design into your marketing strategy? If you are, congratulations! A strong web presence is one of the most lucrative steps you can take to brand a company’s name and image, while rightly claiming your address on the Internet.

However, before venturing out into the vast world of web design and choosing a skilled and qualified web designer for the task, there are 4 things you must take into consideration for this important investment.

#1 – Flashy is pretty but not search engine-friendly

Of course, flash animation on websites is fun to look at and is a hot trend in web design. However, if you want your website to be found, opt against an entirely flash-based website. Reason being, the main search engines (like Google) cannot see any of that pretty flash. Search engine “crawlers” only read text to index a website, and that’s what they will look up when web searchers do a search. 

#2 – Kill two birds with one stone and have your site optimized

While it’s being built, make sure your web developer balances your site with graphics and strong, original content in order to make optimization easier. Search engine optimization helps drive traffic to your website, resulting in more revenue and better branding. 

#3 – Ensure your site is usable and accessible

Research shows that web users do not read web sites, they simply skim over the words and graphics. This is because people have short attention spans, and will simply look over a site that has interesting and pertinent information. Make sure your web designer situates important information strategically throughout the site, makes it easy to understand, and designs a user-friendly website with simple navigation. Usability and accessibility is essential for a website’s success. 

#4 – Content is as important as pictures

In addition to search engine optimization, a well designed website incorporates competitive and relevant keywords within the content of the page, and ‘behind the scenes’, also known as Meta Tags, which is what the search engines see. Keyword research and the placement of those words is vital for your website to stand out from a sea of other similar sites and be indexed well on search engines.

Are you ready to get started with a compelling web design and use this information for an edge on the competition? 

OneSEOCompany, based in Dallas, Texas, provides customized website development services, and  help clients to make their web presence match their marketing efforts by creating an undeniable online address including custom web development, redesign, blog creation, usability testing and professional web solutions.

Learn more about Dallas website design company –— OneSEOCompany now and watch your company speed past your competition on your way to the top.  Visit or call 888.623.6996.


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