Texas peanut plant salmonella positive!

Texas peanut plant salmonella positive!


Peanut Corp. of America plant in Plainview Texas positive for salmonella.

Dallas, TX (JusticeNewsFlash.com)–Breaking News: Texas health officials released reports Peanut Corporation of America’s Plainview peanut processing plant tests positive for salmonella bacteria. The Associated Press (AP) just released the news the company voluntarily closed its Plainview plant on Monday night at the request of Texas health officials.

According to the Texas Department of Health, the possible presence of salmonella bacteria revealed in recent private lab tests at the Plainview plant, led the peanut butter manufacturer to agree to a voluntary temporary closure. Peanut Corp. is being investigated in the recent nationwide salmonella outbreak, probably connected to the peanut butter company’s Georgia plant, which has sickened over 600 consumers and caused 8 deaths in over 43 states.

Federal investigators are claiming the Georgia processing plant is the cause of the salmonella food poisoning outbreak which has led to over 1,800 consumer product recalls. The Texas plant produces peanut meal, granulated peanuts and dry roasted peanuts. Federal and state officials are saying none of the contaminated Texas products were consumed.

Dallas Injury Lawyer Amy K. Witherite
Product Injury Lawsuits Lawyer
Amy Witherite. Eberstein & Witherite, LLP. 3100 Monticello Avenue, Suite 500. Dallas, TX 75205 – Toll Free: (888) 407-6669

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