Injury and Accidents

Injury and Accidents


Personal Injury Law Personal Injury is an extremely complex category under the law. A personal injury may be deemed emotional, however, the majority of those reported are physical in nature. Both kinds may range from mild to severe. The causes of this kind of injury may be attributed to a wide range of sources or occurrences including:

Asbestos exposure,
Auto accidents,
Construction accidents,
Slip and fall accidents,
Dangerous drugs,
Defective products,
and medical malpractice.

The law provides provisions for those who sustain personal injuries as a result of malpractice, accidents, or even exposure to toxic materials to be compensated by those who are at fault for damages incurred.


Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that has, over the past few years, become the basis for many personal injury legal cases. Individuals develop the disease after being exposed to the highly toxic mineral asbestos. Asbestos fiber inhalation was stated to be common for people working certain positions during the decades before legislation prohibited asbestos use. Because individuals typically do not show symptoms of mesothelioma until decades after long-term asbestos exposure, many affected individuals are only recently being diagnosed with the disease. The advent of 9/11 has also brought the issue of asbestos and other kinds of toxic exposure heavily into the legal spotlight.

Obtaining Information on Personal Injury

The road to getting one’s life back in order can be difficult for many people who are affected by personal injuries. Some have important questions about steps they should take, or health and legal matters related to their circumstance. This is a database for those seeking to obtain a broad base of information pertaining to personal injury under Texas law from one convenient resource online. Although we do not provide professional medical or legal advice, the information we provide may be beneficial in broadening one’s understanding of matters related to personal injury, and helpful steps to take for seeking the services of a professional expert, if necessary, in the required field. Categories of information include:

+ Mesothelioma
+ Auto Accidents
+ Medical Malpractice
+ Construction Accidents
+ Dangerous Drugs/ Defective Products
+ Wrongful Death
+ And several others

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