Blockchain platform Bison Trails supports Polkadot DeFi network Acala

Blockchain platform Bison Trails supports Polkadot DeFi network Acala



Bison Trails, a blockchain infrastructure platform-as-a-service company, announced today that it will support Acala (Polkadot’s DeFi Center) and the Acala sister protocol Karura that provides DeFi networks to the Kusama community.

Akara Will be listed Has its own built-in protocol. These include trustless liquid collateral derivatives agreements, multi-collateralized stablecoins (aUSD) backed by cross-chain assets, and decentralized AMM exchanges. Acala is also compatible with Ethereum and can use any token to pay for gas.

This month, Bison Trails will launch support for Karura. It will run the boot node used to boot the Karura network during the early startup phase. Next, once the agreement is launched on the mainnet after winning the Parachain slot auction on Polkadot later in 2021, support for Acala will be added.

Bison Trails will provide Karura and Acala with enterprise-grade organizer infrastructure. This will help protect the network in the early stages of network startup.

As the network matures, Acala ecosystem partners will have the opportunity to run the organizer infrastructure on Bison Trails. The sorter passes Acala’s blocks to a randomly selected subset of Polkadot relay chain validators; then who verifies and finalizes the blocks included in the Polkadot shared state.

“Bison Trails has deep expertise in the Polkadot ecosystem and Substrate-based chains; this gives us a unique advantage to support Karura and Acala. These new networks represent the growing suite of DeFi applications and services on the Polkadot ecosystem A turning point for the company. We are happy to work with Acala and Karura to support their safety and development in these early stages.”
——Joe La Luz, CEO of Bison Trails

Acala listing plan

Acala will be launched with 15-20 proofreaders licensed by the Acala Foundation. The development of these two networks in the early stages will be overseen by the Acala Foundation.

Ultimately, Acala aims to transition from a collection of authorized organizers to a model based on public organizers. It plans to provide interested parties with an opportunity to run Acala organizers, pledge ACA to protect them, attract community delegations, and receive ACA rewards.

Early participation in Acala as a collator helped to make the network more powerful and decentralized. It also helps build credibility as a sorter operator and a trusted ecosystem partner, and pave the way for a successful transition from an authorized sorter set to a public sorter format.

Su Ruitao, co-founder of Acala

“This month, Karura’s global supporter network contributed more than 500,000 KSM tokens in crowdfunding, equivalent to more than 100 million US dollars; representing the community’s demand for interoperable decentralized financial products. We are very happy to work with Bison Trails collaborates to help develop Karura and Acala, and enables us to bring a growing suite of DeFi services to community members. Cooperating with Bison Trails to support top-level parachain projects will allow network participants to bypass years of learning how to be in the Polkadot ecosystem The process of successful operation.”
—— Su Ruitao, Co-founder and CEO of Acala and Karura


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