The queen arrived at the Royal Jockey Club in a charming mint green for the first time, without the beloved Prince Philip

The queen arrived at the Royal Jockey Club in a charming mint green for the first time, without the beloved Prince Philip



The Queen arrived at the Royal Jockey Club without her beloved Prince Philip for the first time after missing the race due to the new crown virus last year.

Her Majesty the Queen is a frequent visitor to the Royal Conference-this is the first time since the start of the event on Tuesday to arrive in a stunning mint dress.


The queen went out in a mint dress and looked beautifulImage source: Max Mumby

Reach For The Moon, Tactical, King’s Lynn and Light Reform all announced to run on Saturday In her famous silk.

The usual carriage parade before the daily race is unlikely to happen.

But considering the current weather, this may be a wise decision anyway.

The last time a race at the Royal Ascot was interrupted by rain in 1964.

The Royal Jockey Club was previously affected by bad weather in 2016 and 2019, but the races in these two years were not affected.

The Queen will watch it in person for the first time this week, and her security personnel are on standby all week.

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