How much coffee can I drink?Too much caffeine and sugar can adversely affect health

How much coffee can I drink?Too much caffeine and sugar can adversely affect health



Many people joked that it is not safe to talk to them before drinking the first cup of coffee in the morning.

Coffee culture is particularly prevalent in the United States. Many Americans start their day with a cup or two (or three!) just to get their engines running.

Most people never think about how coffee affects their health.Up to 400 mg of caffeine, or four cups, is safe for most healthy adults, according to Mayo Clinic. But many people drink more than this during the day.

Negative effects of coffee drinking habits

Although research on the health effects of coffee has produced various pros and cons, the potential side effects of drinking too much coffee are well documented: headaches, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, frequent urination, rapid heartbeat, and muscle tremors.

Especially drinking coffee in the afternoon can disrupt sleep patterns, which can also affect a person’s health. Chronic sleep deprivation It is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack and stroke.

Do you pour a lot of sugar or sweeteners into your coffee every day?Although some studies have shown that regular coffee consumption can actually reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, people who drink large amounts of sugar may offset any potential benefits and instead put themselves in risky Used for blood sugar control problems and obesity.

The effects of caffeine vary, and some people are more sensitive than others. A recent study published in the journal Ophthalmology found that daily intake of large amounts of caffeine may increase the risk of diabetes by three times. glaucoma It is suitable for people with a genetic tendency to high intraocular pressure.

This Researchers Caffeine was found to increase intraocular pressure, which is an important risk factor for glaucoma, which is the main cause of blindness in the United States

“Our previously published research shows that high caffeine intake increases the risk of high-pressure open-angle glaucoma in people with a family history.” Say Dr. Louis R. Pasquale, Vice Chairman of Ophthalmology Research, Mount Sinai Health System. “In this study, we show that the unfavorable relationship between high caffeine intake and glaucoma is only apparent in people with the highest genetic risk score for elevated intraocular pressure. “

Dr. Anthony Khawaja, associate professor of ophthalmology at University College London, added: “Glaucoma patients often ask if they can help protect their vision by changing their lifestyles, but so far this has been a relatively under-researched area. This study shows that those with glaucoma People with the highest genetic risk may benefit from reducing caffeine intake.”

other A recent study It was found that caffeine did not improve cognitive function as previously thought. Researchers at Michigan State University said that although it makes simple attention tasks easier, it does not improve the performance of more complex “placeholder” functions.

Safe cutting

So what does this mean? This does not necessarily mean that you need to start facing the early morning without caffeine. However, if you experience side effects or worry that your daily coffee intake will cause other health problems, please discuss reducing your intake with your doctor.

Health experts recommend that people gradually reduce their caffeine intake and drink one less drink a day to help reduce any potential withdrawal effects. They said that switching to decaffeinated coffee is also a good choice.

People who are worried about sugar intake should try to drink coffee without any sweeteners or choose Healthier choice, Such as a little cinnamon or cocoa.


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