The urologist said that lifestyle changes should be the first choice for the treatment of overactive bladder

The urologist said that lifestyle changes should be the first choice for the treatment of overactive bladder



Overactive bladder is the frequent and sudden urge to urinate. If you are currently suffering from this disease, you will know how suddenly this impulse can strike you and may cause an embarrassing situation.

Fear of losing bladder control in public often leads people to restrict their work and social life.The doctor is Mayo Clinic, However, it is said that there are ways to control this situation, including changes in diet, regular use of the toilet and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles.

What causes overactive bladder?

When the muscles of the bladder contract involuntarily, even if it is not full, this kind of urgent need to empty the bladder occurs. The exact reason why this happens in some men and women is still unclear.

according to Latest research However, certain conditions, such as stroke, diabetes, and urinary tract infections, may cause symptoms of overactive bladder. Some women also begin to experience these symptoms during menopause.

Certain medications, abnormal or obstructed bladder, cognitive decline due to aging and difficulty walking can also cause bladder urgency. However, urologists emphasize that overactive bladder is not a natural part of aging.

It should be noted that some women with overactive bladder will also experience stress urinary incontinence —— Inadvertently leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising. Treatment of stress urinary incontinence does not improve the symptoms of overactive bladder.

Whatever the cause, urinary incontinence can affect your quality of life, leading to sleep difficulties, sexual dysfunction, anxiety and depression.

Urologists say that managing any chronic conditions that may cause these symptoms will help. The same is true for important lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough exercise, and quitting smoking. Urologists recommend lifestyle changes as the preferred method to relieve symptoms.

It is also recommended to learn how to tighten the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises.Learn how to do Here.

Your doctor can also prescribe medicine to relax your bladder and teach you how to delay urination when the urge comes.This Cleveland Clinic It also provides techniques for retraining the bladder.

Some studies have shown that botulinum toxin A or botulinum injections can also provide relief. Patients with severe urinary incontinence may also benefit from nerve stimulation or surgery to increase bladder capacity.

12 foods and drinks that should be avoided or restricted

Certain foods and drinks can irritate the bladder and exacerbate your symptoms. Urologists say that when you have an overactive bladder, it is best to avoid or limit these as much as possible.This is a compiled list from Health hotline, Johns Hopkins University with Cleveland Clinic.

  1. Carbonated and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, soda and soda
  2. chocolate
  3. alcohol
  4. Citrus fruits
  5. Tomatoes or tomato products, such as ketchup or ketchup
  6. Spicy food
  7. honey
  8. Raw onion
  9. Sugary foods
  10. Apples and apple juice
  11. Other fruits, including cantaloupe, grapes, peaches and strawberries
  12. Cranberry juice


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