Cosmetic surgeon-turned-paranormal romance writer Stella Jones returns with another fantastical, passionate journey into the world of wolves and mystical sublime humans in the release of 4 Stories.
Amazon bestselling author Stella Jones is at it again, delivering 4 compelling short stories in her latest book 4 stories. The paranormal romance writer tells tales of passion, wolves, witches and all the surreal phenomena that occur in the night. 4 stories continues the captivating journey of characters who love dearly, struggle with life’s traumas and eventually overcome the consequences of their existence, while Stella offers a unique blend of humor mixed with delicious passion, unnerving thrills and plots that bring readers to life’s edge .
Stella Jones takes her fans and lovers of paranormal fantasy and romance on an engrossing journey with the release of 4 stories. 4 stories is the second book in Stella Jones’ book series, in which the author weaves in parts of her journey, turning episodes of fear into the thrill of chase and suspense. The goal is to allow readers to draw parallels from their experiences and see their power as the conquerors and creators of their existence.
“Although all four short stories touch on the main storylines, two delve into the tragedy of life without even hinting at the otherworldly beings who are instantly out of sight, yet deeply embedded in their existence.” – Stella Jones. “The stories connect to the depths of passion, romance, heartache and the intrigue of life inside and outside the paranormal realm. It’s up to you to decide if that touch of “otherness” is the driving force that makes these stories insatiable, or if the characters do it all by themselves.”
4 stories blends romance, conflict, intrigue and a barrage of dramatic and salacious characters to help readers make the world out of the lives, unique personalities,…