Sanders calls growing union movement a threat to ‘oligarchy and corporate greed’

Sanders calls growing union movement a threat to ‘oligarchy and corporate greed’



Ive here. While some readers have slammed Sanders for becoming a fad, the Vermont senator has continued to work to improve the lives of working people, such as continuing to fight for a $15 wage and supporting the union movement. This article mentions some responses from squillionaires crybabies.

Those of us old enough to remember the 1960s should realize just how successful the long-running movement to move the nation’s values ??to the right has been. Having workers fragmented, under long-term time and money pressure, with weak community ties, is a great way to prevent them from organizing. The strength of many institutions will need to be rebuilt, and this will not happen anytime soon.

by Jack Johnson.Originally Posted in common dream

Senator Bernie Sanders gave a speech Monday praising the wave of union victories, including high-profile victories, across the United States. Amazon and Starbucks workers, as a fundamental challenge to the country’s deeply unequal political and economic status quo.

“While the billionaire class is getting richer, the real weekly wage for American workers today is $40 less than it was 49 years ago,” Sanders (I-Vt.), speaking to the Senate days after Amazon’s warehouse time said.Workers in Staten Island, New York vote to form company’s first union in America

“In fact,” Sanders continued, “during that time, there has been a massive transfer of wealth from our nation’s working and middle classes to the top 1 percent.”

Vermont senator pointed out that recently analyze An estimated $50 trillion in wealth was reallocated from the bottom 90% to the top 1% between 1975 and 2018.

Decade-long trend of top wealth inflation accelerates amid coronavirus pandemic, with about 700 U.S. billionaires $1.7 trillion increaseAs Covid-19 wreaks havoc on the country, poor communities and low-wage workers take their collective fortune bear the brunt.

“Today,” Sanders said, “billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson are taking rocket ships to outer space to buy $500 million worth of Superyacht and living in a mansion with 25 bathrooms. Let’s be clear. It’s not just income and wealth inequality. It’s economic and political power.”

corporate profits soar Last year hit an all-time high even as the deadly coronavirus continues to rage and inflation eaten at the wages of ordinary workers.

In Monday’s speech, Sanders described the grassroots union efforts at Amazon and Starbucks as further evidence that “working people across the country are tired of being exploited by companies with record profits.”

“They’re tired of billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Starbucks founder Howard Schultz getting very rich during the pandemic, all while fighting for underpaid wages, underpaid benefits, underworked conditions and under-scheduled schedules. And work at the risk of your life,” said Sanders, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. “If you think the union victory at Amazon and Starbucks is an aberration, you’re dead wrong.”

Although union members reject Last year, 2021 marked the strike wave Many believe a reorganization of the labor movement may begin after years of devastation corporate attack On the right to collective bargaining.according to A recent studycorporate attacks on unions over the past 40 years have cost the median American worker $3,250 a year.

“The union’s fight against corporate greed ultimately determines the quality of wages, benefits and working conditions that all American workers enjoy,” Sanders said Monday.

In the face of a growing number of labor organizations across the country, there is no sign that corporate America intends to end union sabotage.In 2021 alone, Amazon will spend $4.3 millionRegarding anti-union advisors, the company is expected Challenging Staten Island’s election results.

At Monday’s town hall, Schultz — experiencedunion breaker return As Starbucks’ CEO, announced this month while organizing drive-thru events in dozens of states across the country, high profit Coffee company ‘under multi-faceted attack by union threat’.

Sanders argued Monday that “in 2022, the United States and the rest of the world will face two very different political paths.”

“On the one hand, there is a growing movement of oligarchs in which a handful of very rich and powerful billionaires own and control a significant portion of the economy and have a huge impact on the political life of our country,” the Vermont senator said. “On the other hand, against oligarchy and corporate greed, there are more and more workers and young people who are fighting for justice in ways we haven’t seen in years.”

“It’s this growing union movement that gives me hope for the future of this country,” he added. “I will do everything I can to support the movement.”


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