Link 12/7/2021 | Naked Capitalism

Link 12/7/2021 | Naked Capitalism



Who is killing the Grizzlies in Fremont County? Wabo

How the pandemic changes investment terms John Ossers, Bloomberg

Bitcoin’s weekend plunge hints at increasing influence of Wall Street traders Financial Times


“USA Today” survey reveals an astonishing shift in rain patterns in the U.S. USA Today. important.

Visible and invisible existence (Interview) Amitav Ghosh, emerging magazine

We cannot have our climate cake, nor can we eat it India

Create better leaves Elizabeth Colbert, “The New Yorker”

#Coronavirus disease

Patient profile of Omicron variant in Tshwane district-early characteristics South African Medical Research Council. From Gauteng.

Possible spread of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in quarantined hotels in Hong Kong, China, November 2021 (Research Letter) CDC, new infectious disease. From the body:

The only time the two quarantined persons opened their doors was to collect food placed outside the door of each room. The only other time they might open the door is RT-PCR, which is performed every 3 days. However, since the two cases arrived 1 day apart, it is unlikely that they will be tested on the same day. .

The CDC thugs managed to exclude “airborne” from the title and abstract, but were unable to suppress it in the text.We still have Walensky recommendation handwashing. There is no mention of ventilation. Biden did not mention ventilation in his speech about his “Winter Plan”, anyone.

New data shows that GSK-Vir drug can fight all Omicron mutations Reuters. Sotovizumab. in vitro. Has not been peer reviewed.

* * *

The media noticed the failure of the upcoming test in Biden’s “Winter Plan”:

More comments:

data point Request test results From international travelers to the U.S., from wary readers:

My friend/former colleague is a professor of immunology in the United States [South America] Arrived this morning. She flew to Miami yesterday and said that no one asked the passengers about the test results. They just asked everyone to leave the international flight without any problems.

Would you please Grigory Potemkin to answer the nearest white concierge call?

COVID-19 has hit this county hard. The weak health sector still cannot get people vaccinated. PSAs

* * *

The WTO faces new scrutiny under the threat of Omi Technology Hill. To summarize (dk):

Trade secrets remain the crux of the global debate on vaccine IP exemptions Osborne Clark. Intellectual property lawyer.

* * *

New York City announces the nation’s first vaccine authorization for private companies CBS New York

Discourse™ is still not talking about long-term COVID Crazy biologist Mike


As Beijing tries to ease the turmoil at Evergrande, Chinese real estate stocks rise Financial Times

China defends zero Covid strategy, says speed is essential to stop spread South China Morning Post.

After the recent power crisis, China “adjusted” its attitude towards coal Greece shipping news


Resistance fighters strengthen their control of Sagaing Myaung Township Myanmar now. Pop music. 100,000, central Myanmar.

After Aung San Suu Kyi’s sentencing, Myanmar’s foreign minister visits Cambodia Reuters. The media really shouldn’t use judicial terminology to describe the proceedings in the Kangaroo Court.


U.S. hopes for Iran’s nuclear negotiations now depend on China and Russia Wall Street Journal

Is the glass half full or half empty?This is the conflicting issue of U.S. human rights policies towards Saudi Arabia and Iran. The turbulent Middle East football world


Britain helped create the refugees it now wants to stop Middle East Eye

French far-right candidate Zemur initiated a bid for 2022 in a rally, and fierce battle broke out France 24

After the parties failed to reach agreement on political groups within the EU, the far-right disagreement emerged European News

EU plan to resolve “coercion” of member states faces resistance Financial Times

Profits reach a record 531 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, and the arms trade is booming Al Jazeera (dk).

Russia and India give up the U.S. dollar in mutual settlement Almayadin

New cold war

Biden believes that he has had a “long-term discussion” with Putin on the Ukrainian border issue Bloomberg (December 3) and The Kremlin expects Putin and Biden’s talks to be substantial and lengthy Interfax (December 6).

Zelenskiy held the call with Blinken before the Biden-Putin call Radio Liberty. “Moscow asked for a written guarantee that Ukraine would not be allowed to join NATO, calling this a’red line’.” This is natural because the United States does not have the capacity to negotiate.

Biden Administration

The analysis found that Biden has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public land than Trump has Wabo

The White House announces a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics due to human rights issues National Broadcasting Corporation

After Roe, the fight to end all abortions is coming verdict

supply chain

With the impact of supply chain pressure, Toyota embraces small defects Channel News Asia

Gate of Russia

flat! !How those Trump/Russia stories were bought by the media nation

trump card

California Rep. Devin Nunes leaves Congress to lead Trump social media group Los Angeles Times

Who just gave Trump $1 billion? Let us find out. Bloomberg (furry mouse).

In his new book, Mark Meadows revealed that after Trump contracted COVID, his blood oxygen level had dropped “dangerously low”-even though he told the world he was fine Daily mail

case Joffrey Epstein

The sex trafficking trial jury learned that Jeffrey Epstein had wire transferred $30.7 million to alleged Mrs. Gislain Maxwell in eight years Daily mail

health care

It’s time to open up the secret analysis of healthcare statistics

Taking Viagra can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 69% New York Post. Hasn’t Pfizer made enough money?

Guillotine watch

The super rich are forming a new exclusive club Bloomberg. I have no idea. The net membership income of US$100 million seems to be very low. I hope they don’t let any rubbish in.

Class struggle

First privilege walk Since November, it is still closely related. God, we have patient zero…

Where has the highest standard of living?Local prices and consumption geography NBER’s Rebecca Diamond and Enrico Moretti. Excerpted from the abstract: “We found that for a given income level, there are huge regional differences in the level of material living. The consumption levels of low-income residents in the most affordable commuting areas are higher than the consumption levels of low-income residents in the most expensive commuting areas 74% higher.”

Truck driver election storm

Went to Dogs on Holiday: Notes from the Attached Underground, Part Three Academic blog

Today’s antidote (pass through):

See yesterday’s link and antidote du Jour here.

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