Link 11/27/27 | Naked Capitalism

Link 11/27/27 | Naked Capitalism



Gray wolves born in Oregon arrived in Los Angeles almost before their deaths Oregonlive (resilc) 🙁

American musical superstar Stephen Sondheim dies at the age of 91 New York Times

Major Ian Fishback, who exposed the abuse of detainees, dies at the age of 42 New York Times (resilc)

How the use of fire by animals can help clarify the perception of fire in humans Aeon (Anthony L)

Canada issues weather “red alert” to British Columbia CNN

What I learned in 8,000 Chinese restaurants BBC (David L)

JRR Tolkien denies that the Beatles made the “Lord of the Rings” movie Inside Story (Furry)

#Coronavirus disease

It’s time to applaud GM. Lambert found this tidbit:

Video interview: Eric Topol on Omicron variants Noapignon

Specifically, at 3:48, Topol had just described Delta as unexpected, and when talking about Omicron, he said that it was even more unexpected because it was full of mutations.

After many years of listening to “Whocoulddanode?” After the global financial crisis, it is painful to hear excuses for the failure of the elite to reappear.

As we quoted General Motors on November 19, Based on an email on November 13th that compiled some of the things he had said in bits and pieces over the past few weeks:

The most likely major development of the pandemic in the future falls into one of the following three scenarios:

1. We have obtained the second-generation Delta variant, which has major advantages over all other Delta lineages. This is the most likely one, because 98% of the world’s viruses are now Delta, and Delta is the most suitable variant.

2. We obtained the second-generation variant from a pedigree that was able to compete with Delta and still survived the Delta scan.Focus on Lambda/C.37 and Mu/B.1.621 and possibly P.1, because they are the only first-generation variants that are still circulating in large numbers in South America

3. New things that suddenly appear are healthier than others. This is likely to come from Africa-there is no surveillance in the depths of the African continent, and no idea what is brewing there.


The new “Omicron” variant raises concerns, but the vaccine may still be effective The New York Times (Kevin W). The future is so bright, I will have to wear sunglasses…


What is the true meaning of the COVID Omicron variant, and what are experts worried about Haaretz (David L)

Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest WHO (Kevin C)

FDA: Merck COVID pill is effective, experts will review safety Associated Press (fk). According to some valid definitions, see below. with:

In addition, the FDA expressed concern that Merck’s drug will cause small changes in the characteristic spike protein of the coronavirus, which is used to penetrate human cells. In theory, the FDA warned that these changes could lead to dangerous new variants.

Merck’s Covid pills show lower efficacy in updated data NBC Finance Channel. GM: “Now we are waiting for Pfizerin data update…”. Moi: 50% x 70% is 35%, correct? You will see the placebo response level of some SSRIs. From the story:

Merck said on Friday that the latest data from its experimental COVID-19 pill study showed lower efficacy in reducing the risk of hospitalization and death compared with an earlier interim analysis, reducing it by 30% in the study.

The drugmaker’s interim data released in October showed that the number of hospitalizations and deaths of 775 patients has decreased by about 50%. The rates updated on Friday are based on data from more than 1,400 patients.

Gordon Brown said failure to share the Covid vaccine “come back to haunt us” Guardian (resilc). Since we are determined to learn nothing, don’t expect any behavior change.

Cuba’s bet on a domestic COVID vaccine is paying off nature

Not keen on titles with “terrible”. despite this:
Scary new potential explanations for vaccine-driven myocarditis and other problems Alex Berenson


Coronavirus: India will resume international flights from December 15th, restricting countries “at risk” Rolling (J-LS). Want to bet on how long this lasts?


61 Dutch passenger from South Africa tested positive for COVID-19-Authorities Reuters. Lambert: “About 61 out of 600, two flights. The story is not about Omicron, but some hypothesis.”

The New York Times reporter was on one of the flights. Please note that she said that there were 85 positive Covid tests in two flights:

Genomic monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in Belgium The report of the National Reference Laboratory. The Belgian case is on page 8. Interesting technical discussion and some previous diagrams.

Pandemic in Europe soars; COVID is the number one cause of death ars technica (resilc)


Alex M runs a testing laboratory:

CDC statement on B.1.1.529 (Omicron variant) CDC. Lambert: “‘So far, no cases of this mutation have been found in the United States.’ So I guess that means it’s here…”

Biden stated that based on the advice of consultants led by Fauci, he postponed the African travel ban on the Omicron variant New York Post (Kevin W). Earlier reports indicated that Biden wanted to think more about it because he would not be able to make a decision until Monday, and then succumbed to Fauci’s advice on Monday.

Due to the new COVID-19 issue, the United States will restrict travel from eight African countries Hill

Fauci as Darth Vader in the Covid War Asia Times (resilc)

“It’s Coming”: New York State declares a state of emergency before the potential Omicron spike NBC New York. There is no sign of any concrete action.

America’s pandemic star has lost some of its brilliance Atlantic

U.S. manufacturers race to ease the ammunition shortage caused by the pandemic Economist (resilc)


The week when Covid Sucker hit the world hard Bloomberg

Due to concerns about new virus variants, stocks have fallen the most in a year Financial Times

Oil prices plummeted because Covid did what Biden couldn’t do Oil price

COP26/climate change

David Wallace Wells 10 million a year: difficulty breathing The London Review of Books (Anthony L)

“Torture Orchard” is a testing ground for the coming climate crisis Gastro Obscura (Chuck L)

Black Friday protests: Jeff Bezos’ cartoon rides on a rocket, as the Extinction Rebellion prevents 15 Amazon warehouses indy100 (flexible)

Studying a new life in the shadow of Venezuela’s last glacier Atlas Obscura (Chuck L)


“Data tax” may be the next blow to Chinese tech giants Asia Times (Kevin W)

Solomon Islands incident sends a significant message South China Morning Post (Furry)

In order to protect a retired leader, China’s botched censors turned Peng Shuai’s mess into a major event South China Morning Post (Furry)


Watch French fishing boats try to block the Eurotunnel, Port of Calais, and the United Kingdom Sputnik (Kevin W)

New cold war

Prime Minister of Ukraine calls on NATO to help fight Russia politics


Jordanians protest the agreement with Israel to exchange water for energy Reuters (resilc)

Empire Folding Watch

The U.S. refuses to contact the Marshall Islands over the damage caused by nuclear weapons tests Kevin W: “The interesting thing is that the free association contract will expire in 2023:


Manchin calls on Biden to restore Keystone XL pipeline Mountain (resilc). Not ashamed to use his strengths.

Biden: Fact-checking the statement about the progress of the U.S. economy British Broadcasting Corporation

Republicans insist on Biden’s nomination hinders the benefits of women holding top positions Hill

Antitrust technology bill gains bipartisan support in the Senate Wall Street Journal

Black injustice tipping point

Have the armed black militants failed? Plow (Dori M)

supply chain

Supply chain chaos floods Southern California in empty containers Wall Street Journal

Canada released 50 million pounds from maple syrup stocks New York Post (J-LS)


Borenstein: CalPERS once again gambled with taxpayers’ money Mercury News (Kevin W)


A piece of digital land has just been sold in Metaverse for $2.43 million-more than most houses in New York and San Francisco. Business Insider (Kevin W)

Cryptocurrency trading hamster Mr. Goxx passes away British Broadcasting Corporation (resilc)

Zip’s announcement of a loss of US$653 million in August “shocked many people” because the industry lost US$1 billion in 2021 as a whole Guardian (Basil Pesto)

2021 Tesla Model Y review: almost great, but with serious flaws CNET (dk). subtitle:
“Tesla Model Y looks like a complete package, but its active safety kit is fundamentally flawed, so that the entire disk is destroyed.” We have said more than once that Tesla is using high-quality brands Of smoke.

Holiday shopping in 2021: No more Americans will buy holiday gifts this year CNBC (J-LS)

Class struggle

Robots will not close the gap between warehouse workers anytime soon Wired (flexible)

The causal effect of high temperature on violence: the social impact of the continuous high temperature of incarcerated persons NBER (flexible)

Antidote of the day. Rupert A: “Cat has a public sidewalk and was found in Wellington, Aotearoa.”

And bonus (guurst):

See yesterday’s link and antidote du Jour here.

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