How do weeds affect bone density?

How do weeds affect bone density?



This may be one of the most contradictory aspects of medicinal cannabis use. Some schools say that cannabis is good for osteoporosis and can increase bone density, while others do the opposite. If you are a person with skeletal problems and want to see if weeds can help, it’s a bit tricky. What we do know is that there is a clear relationship between the endocannabinoid system and your bones. Either way, it will have an impact. So today we will delve into how weeds affect bone health to see if we can’t weigh the pros and cons.

Bone density

First, we should talk about the meaning of bone density. Bone density measures the minerals in the bones related to its strength and overall health. Therefore, if your bone density is high, your bones are much stronger than other bones, which makes them more difficult to break or fracture, and reduces the chance of joint problems or osteoporosis. If your bone density is low, then you are more likely to experience these problems, especially as you age. As we age, our bones become more porous and no longer contain vitamins and minerals. Therefore, as we age, taking care of our bones is very important.???

Endocannabinoid system

Let’s take a look at the endocannabinoid system and how cannabis affects our bones. This system is also the reason why cannabis excites us, relieves pain, and makes us hungry. There are different receptors that affect different parts of the body. It is a large part of the central nervous system, so of course, it can have a very strong effect on the body. The endocannabinoid system is related to mood, appetite, sleep, heart rate, stress, skin, liver, memory, inflammation, reproductive system, movement control, pain, metabolism, and various other things.

All aspects of the system match the compounds found in cannabis, which is why weeds work so well. CB1 receptors may be why cannabis can reduce bone density and promote osteoporosis. But subsequent further research on the CB2 receptor showed that targeting it specifically may have the opposite effect. This change may be related to the stress of CBD or THC. There is a lot of evidence that the therapeutic compound CBD can improve bone density well because it triggers CB2 receptors.


So now we need to look at the difference between CBD and THC in terms of bone and endocannabinoid system. In terms of recreational use, THC is the most powerful aspect of cannabis. It binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors and changes many aspects of the endocannabinoid system. This is why THC changes our perception of time and space, making us feel confused or focused, giggle or sleepy. CBD is a bit mysterious, but we know it is related to the endocannabinoid system. It is known for its medicinal uses, which can relieve pain, improve appetite, help treat inflammation and many other things.

How do weeds affect bone density?

To be honest, the jury is still inconclusive because of various studies. As I said, some people think that marijuana has a negative effect on it, while others have a positive effect on it, so let’s look at the basic evidence on both sides. One thing we do know is that people who smoke regularly tend to have lower bone density as they age. In addition, studies have shown that the bone density of heavy cannabis users is lower. This is based on people who smoke constantly every day. Although this may seem like a very bad study for weeds, scientists admit that there is no causal relationship between cannabis and bone density. When the research went further into the endocannabinoid system, the situation changed. This is when we return to CB1 and CB2 receptors. Although those who constantly have THC in their bodies may have lower bone density, there is a lot of evidence that CBD can improve bone health. One study used CBD to help heal fractures and promote bone health. Therefore, because THC is attached to the CB receptor, it seems that studies showing that THC reduces bone density may have some truth. However, it seems that the high CBD strains commonly used as medicinal strains can actually improve bone health. Therefore, if you suffer from low bone density or osteoporosis, high CBD strains may be an excellent way to improve your health. You may find a less harmful way to ingest CBD, such as smoking e-cigarettes, eating, or using tinctures.

How else can you improve bone health?

Therefore, when you use CBD high-concentration cannabis to take care of your bones, you should also make sure that your lifestyle also supports your bone health. We know that your bones are affected by diet and exercise. Whether you smoke high-THC or high-CBD strains, it is important that you take care of your bones to avoid problems later in life. We all know that a lot of calcium is a good way to keep bones healthy. You should also make sure to get enough vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B, and vitamin C, K, and E. Exercises such as weight training and aerobic exercise are also very beneficial to your bones and joints. As I said before, smoking reduces bone density like caffeine and alcohol. As usual, if you want to keep your bones healthy, you need to do all the annoying health things and do less of the funny bad things. If your family has a history of low bone density, try to follow all these steps, it seems that the high CBD strain will definitely have a positive long-term effect.

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