Sotheby’s auctions 2 iconic Banksy paintings to shine on Ethereum – Bitcoin News

Sotheby’s auctions 2 iconic Banksy paintings to shine on Ethereum – Bitcoin News



Sotheby’s, an American luxury auction house founded in the United Kingdom, announced that the company will auction Banksy’s works in real-time on Ethereum at “The Now Evening Auction” on November 18. Just like Mark Bradford and Yoshitomo Nara, Banks’ “Love in the Air” and “Tram Hunter” will be sold “at auction for the first time” for ether.

Sotheby’s boutique auction house will auction 2 Banksy paintings on Ethereum

In 2021, the boutique auction house Sotheby’s has been using cryptocurrency payments and non-fungible tokens (NFT) collections.Although at first Enter NFT, The leading auction house decided Accept digital currency payment Passed Coinbase in May last year. In October, Sotheby’s launched the company’s Metaverse Marketplace and Paris Hilton Some NFTs are listed In the newly launched market.

November 11th, Sotheby’s Announce this”Current evening sale“It will feature Ethereum’s real-time auction bidding (Ethereum). The auction will be held on November 18th and will feature two Banksy artworks, which will be sold in exchange for crypto assets. “[Ether] Banks bids,” Sotheby’s wrote. “For the first time at an auction, Sotheby’s will be Ethereum On two iconic Banksy paintings in The Now auction. “

Sotheby's auctions 2 of Banksy's iconic paintings on Ethereum

Banks’ two paintings will be the infamous “Love in the Air” and the artist’s “Tram Hunter” paintings. “Love in the Air” is estimated to be worth about US$4-6 million, while the price of “Trolley Hunter” at auction is between US$5 and 7 million. “You can’t miss the auctioneer Oliver Barker’s Ethereum Banksy’s iconic paintings “Tram Hunter” and “Love in the Air”, Sotheby’s Auction House Add to.

Sotheby’s is not the only boutique auction house in the world that has entered the field of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency solutions.Luxury auction house Christie’s has settled in Blockchain, NFT and cryptocurrency This year too. In addition, Sotheby’s is not the first luxury auction house to sell Banksy art in digital currency.Famous Phillips auction house Held an auction In May, Banksy’s “Laugh Now Panel” (valued at US$2.8 to 4.1 million) will pay for cryptocurrency.

What do you think of Sotheby’s real-time Ethereum bidding for two Banksy artworks? Please tell us your thoughts on this topic in the comments section below.

Tags in this story

Art auction, auction, Banks, Banks Auctions, Christie’s, Coin Bank, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum, Ether bid, ether, Ether bid, Ethereum, Ethereum (ETH), love is in the air, November 18, Phillips Auction House, Sotheby’s Banks, Sotheby’s, Auction now, Tram Hunter

Image Source: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons


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