CanonX.Finance launches an incubator platform for the DeFi project launched on Cardano »CryptoNinjas

CanonX.Finance launches an incubator platform for the DeFi project launched on Cardano »CryptoNinjas



The Cardano blockchain project accelerator and fundraising platform CanonX.Finance has been launched.this Cardano Alonzo hard fork The Cardano blockchain is ushering in the era of DeFi and smart contracts. For the first time, developers can use Cardano to build dApps, DeFi platforms and irreplaceable tokens.

Some of the main areas of support provided by will include DEX development, lending platforms and oracle integration. The new era of DeFi is coming, will support these projects on Cardano at the bottom.

Early companies that started on Cardano chose blockchain over other companies for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Safety: Cardano’s proof of equity is known for its security, and more than 70% of ADA tokens are pledged.
  • Multi-layer: The scalability of Cardano is unlimited and transactions are settled quickly.

4 Part of the ecosystem will support the DeFi project launched on Cardano through a four-part ecosystem, including value creation behind the IDO project, DEX development, innovative lending platform, and reliable off-chain data feed for execution Oracle integration of on-chain transactions.

Some of the main functions of include:

  • Launch pad: Launchpad leverages millions of Cardano token holders around the world and will help companies in the early stages get the funds they need.
  • Canon DEX: This decentralized DEX will support ADA through price feed transactions, market display, and decentralized lending.
  • currency market: A lending platform that can use decentralized assets as collateral for loans.
  • Technical Services: oracles provides a unified universal data protocol across transactions in order to maintain consistency in the way of feeding off-chain data on the chain.

$Canon Token

CANON token is a practical asset that will power the CanonX IDO protocol platform and allow holders to support their favorite projects by providing liquidity while receiving rewards. This will enable you as a token holder to actively participate in the shaping of the DeFi landscape.


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