One comparison! Reach our second goal quickly!Third: continue to expand news coverage and possible gatherings

One comparison! Reach our second goal quickly!Third: continue to expand news coverage and possible gatherings



This is Naked Capitalism Fundraising Week. 553 donors have invested in our efforts to fight corruption and predatory behavior, especially in the financial sector.Please join us and participate through our Donation page, Which shows how to donate via check, credit card, debit card, or Why we do this fundraising event with What we achieved last year

Thanks to our early bird readers for their timely and generous donations! We achieved our first goal within twelve hours. We reached the second in more than a day. Because Lambert, the owner of the fundraising thermometer, is not on the grid, our thermometer is behind where you found us. When he comes back on duty, he will refresh it.

We have made more than 500 donations for the 1,100 donor target of the fundraising campaign, and are receiving support messages like this from Brian A:

You guys are great. The breadth of your interests and the range of resources are actually exciting!

And Francois:

Thank you very much, the team, and the commentators for providing the best news site on the Internet.

Read aloud every day for you with the health benefits of the premium Longjing and the subtle taste of Burgundy wine (and vice versa), this is a paradise as addictive as cocaine??.
Just hope I can give more.

And Mark T:

You are basically my only reliable source of objective news and analysis.

There is also Alex C, who also confirmed that the Streisand effect is effective:

Naked capitalism has become my number one online destination.
I think it’s great value! Thanks to PropOrNot, I found it.

And Susan R:

I cannot imagine a day without naked capitalism. Thank you for everything.

More importantly, we surpassed the first two goals. The first goal is 21,000 USD to provide more technology investment for the website. In recent years, due to the worsening external environment, we have had to make a lot of investment here. Thank you very much for helping us support ordinary but absolutely critical budget items. This is the basis for all the content we provide. The second is $18,500 to support the comment section. again. Your quick donation shows how much you value these powerful and informative discussions, just as we value keen responses to our posts.

But these are only our initial goals.If you don’t have time to contribute, we hope you can go to our Prompt canister immediately, Which shows you how to donate via check, debit card, credit card, or PayPal.

Our next goal is $21,500 to continue the link part of our expansion, and if we return to something similar to the old normal next summer, some parties will also. Readers enjoy the opportunity to meet and communicate with like-minded people, but travel and website coverage when the writer is away are not free!

As of 10pm Eastern Time, we have $635 to achieve this goal.

As we explained in the launch post, we expanded the link section from a maximum of 45 links before Covid to 55 to 60 now. This may not seem like much, but it represents a day-to-day commitment to additional personnel, as the staffing of the site is constantly increasing, which means more budget requirements. Therefore, you need to put in more effort to provide you with a morning guide about what is happening. As Jenny said:

My husband introduced me to naked capitalism when he first started learning MMT in late 2015 or early 2016, and we started drinking coffee in bed and discussing posts almost every day. We sometimes joke that if our morning conversation was a podcast. It’s better to call “I can’t agree with you anymore!” But NC is more than just a bubble or echo chamber-it helps to deepen and shape our understanding when discussing familiar and new topics. We found the scope, depth, and many disagreements in the posts and comments, and we are very grateful for the large amount of work done to create and curate the website.

I think I really should increase from a symbolic donation of $50 per year to an amount that more accurately reflects the daily value we get from the content we provide to readers for free.

If we end up in the new normal (as if there is no gathering) and do not use all the funds donated for this goal, we will use any surplus to fund more of the original report.

So those who have already donated, thank you again for your generous support, and we look forward to those NC fans who have just discovered the fundraising activities Donate through Tip Jar to help make the site more successful.


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