The Grumpy Economist: Inequality/Opportunity Survey

The Grumpy Economist: Inequality/Opportunity Survey



I am interested in one Simple survey conducted by Archbridge Institute Attitudes on inequality and opportunity, and equality and fairness issues.

Reducing inequality, “there should be no billionaires” is only a top priority for a quarter of people. Equal opportunities, helping the lower-level people get about 60%. The demographic consistency is interesting. Yes, young people and certified people are more left-our education system is passing on its values. But it’s not as much as you think. Minorities are not much different from others. The redistributive view is a bit extravagant, but not as much as you might think.

The meaning of “equality”, our country (Jefferson)’s concept of nation-building is more distinct. Equity — ultimately in the same place — scored poorly. Even starting to score in the same place is miserable. For the extra help for the disadvantaged, I will choose the #2 target, and the score is bleak. “Everyone is equal before the law, and people have a fair chance to pursue opportunities no matter where they start” is an overwhelming winner. Similarly, relative to standard narratives, the consistency of demographics is surprising. Heartwarming again.

What is the best way to succeed financially? Employment, college degrees, family and social support even completely overwhelmed the myth of “well-designed” government aid programs.

The report continues like this, with a good executive summary.

Even around Hoover, I heard a traditional view: Income inequality is a huge problem. This will cause social and political unrest. “We” must do something about it, otherwise our country will fall apart.

According to a large number of survey respondents, it is clearly not. Opportunity is still a problem in the United States. If I were to design something to attract these survey subjects, I would use this term.


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