Hex Trust is added as Tezos tzBTC key holder »CryptoNinjas

Hex Trust is added as Tezos tzBTC key holder »CryptoNinjas



Hex Trust, the operator of the encrypted asset custody platform Hex Safe, announced that it has joined the tzBTC ecosystem as a key holder. tzBTC allows direct trading of Bitcoin (BTC) on the Tezos blockchain.

Bitcoin It is an example of tokenization and DeFi on Tezos. tzBTC brings the liquidity and proven brand of Bitcoin into the Tezos ecosystem; enable BTC-supported use cases on Tezos.

Developers on Tezos can use tzBTC to build unique financial applications on the Tezos blockchain. Just recently, tzBTC was listed as Tezos’s seventh forkless network upgrade Granada’s liquidity baking asset.

Hex Trust + tzBTC

“Since last summer, Hex Trust has been part of the Tezos network; starting with support for XTZ and staking/baking functions. We are very happy to be the first Asian entity to join tzBTC, continue our partnership; and expand our presence in Europe Customer support.”
—— Calvin Shen, Head of Sales and Business Development, Hex Trust

Tezos is the longest running PoS network and one of the established layer 1 blockchain protocols.This Tezos Network Known for its energy-saving design, ease of use and on-chain governance.

This year, Internet activity on Tezos has increased by 1200%. Tezos has one of the largest NFT ecosystems, led by the independent market Hic et Nunc, and joined brands including the Formula One racing teams Red Bull Racing Honda and McLaren Racing; who chose Tezos to build their NFT fan experience.

In addition, Tezos has an active DeFi ecosystem that includes ERC-20 bridges for low-gas cross-chain utilities, yield agricultural agreements, and AMM platforms. Game developers, record companies, NFT artists, sports franchises, central banks, real estate developers, global NGOs, etc. are all established on Tezos.


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