Know the guidelines for each stage of sleep

Know the guidelines for each stage of sleep



You spent a third of your life

Fell asleep
. You know what you are doing during those waking hours, but what happens when you doze off?Maybe you wake up with fuzzy memories of dreams, but there are

More things happen overnight

Compared to that.

Every night, you are in the loop

Four different sleep stages

Several times-the three stages of REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep.this is

What happens at each stage

Non-rapid eye movement

Phase 1:
When you doze off for the first time, your body will go through a few minutes to transition from awake to sleep, because your brain waves begin to slow down from awake mode. This is a very light sleep, when your heartbeat, breathing and eyes relax. Some people experience muscle twitches when they slow down and prepare to rest and sleep.

second stage:
When you fall asleep, your body enters a light sleep phase. This transitional period occurs when your body continues to relax further. In addition to more relaxed muscles and slower breathing and heartbeat, body temperature drops and eye movements stop.

Phase 3:
In order to feel refreshed every morning, your body needs deep sleep. At this stage of sleep, your body is in its most relaxed state, so it is more difficult to be awakened. During this sleep phase, your body releases hormones, performs tissue growth and repair, and restores energy.

REM sleep

About after

90 minutes of sleep
, You may experience rapid eye movements for the first time; your eyes begin to move quickly behind your closed eyelids, and brain activity increases, closer to what you were when you were awake. Respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure all reach similar levels, and your arm and leg muscles will be temporarily paralyzed. You only dream during REM sleep, which is a common myth. Although most dreams do occur at that stage, you can dream at any stage of sleep.

In normal sleep, you will cycle through each stage multiple times. Although you spend more time in stage 2 than in any other stage, your body experiences a longer stage 3 sleep time in the first half of the night, and as the morning approaches, your REM sleep time will be longer, Deeper.The time you spend in REM sleep

Decrease with age

A good night’s sleep is

Essential to your health
To ensure that you can sleep well every night, be sure to go to bed and get up at about the same time every day. You should also avoid caffeine before going to bed and relax. You should also avoid lying in bed awake watching TV or using mobile devices-make your bed a sacred place to sleep!

When you wake up in the morning, you may only remember a small part of the dreams you have had-but now you will know everything your body has gone through in each of the four sleep stages.


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