Flip the script: Byers is praised for his mental health stance | Mental Health News

Flip the script: Byers is praised for his mental health stance | Mental Health News



American gymnastics superstar Simone Byers Withdrawal shocked the 2020 Tokyo Olympics In women’s team and individual all-around competitions, she is considered the best contender for what she calls “mental health problems”.

The 24-year-old young man was widely praised for drawing attention to mental health, removing the stigma surrounding the issue, and emphasizing the tremendous pressure experienced by elite athletes.

National figures including former US first lady Michelle Obama, athletes and commentators all supported the decision made by Bills, who is often hailed as the best gymnast of all time.

“[Simone Biles] We are proud of you and we cheer for you,” Obama wrote on Twitter.

Spanish basketball star and Olympian Paul Gasol said that Byers’ decision emphasized an important reality: “Mental health is a key component of our health, and it must always be the top priority”.

“We need to pay more attention to emotional and mental health in the sports world,” he wrote on Twitter. “Thank you for using your platform, you are a true champion!”

Sarah Hirshland, chief executive of the US Olympic and Paralympic Games, wrote on Twitter: “Simeone, you make us so proud. Be proud of yourself as a person, teammate and athlete.”

“We appreciate your decision to prioritize your mental health and provide you with the full support and resources of our American team community along your path.”

On Tuesday, Byers, who won four gold medals at the 2016 Rio Olympics Withdraw from the women’s team competition – Combine the best results of a national team in four major gymnastics to determine the winner – After an uncharacteristically shaken vault.

She explained her decision in detail at a press conference after the event.

“In the final analysis, we are also human beings, so we must protect our minds and bodies instead of just going there and doing what the world wants us to do,” she said. “In the past year, I was not surprised by its performance.”

The American women’s team won the silver medal in the game, and the Russian Olympic Committee team won the gold medal. On Wednesday, it was announced that Biles would not participate in the individual all-around event-in this event, individual athletes are judged cumulatively in all four main events: vaulting, uneven bars, balance beam and floor.

It has not been announced whether Byers will participate in individual competitions of various skills in the next few days. The athlete said that she is competing “day after day”.

‘Not Superman’

Byers spoke publicly about the pressure to become one of the most high-profile athletes on the U.S. Olympic team.

The news that she was one of hundreds of young women abused by former American gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar has increased public attention.

Several observers likened Tuesday’s decision to that of tennis star and Olympian Naomi Osaka. Withdraw from the French Open In May, cited her mental health and “depression”.

In the case of Byers and Osaka, Washington Post columnist Alyssa Rosenberg wanted to know whether audiences could change their expectations of greatness.

“Maybe our fans can learn to accept a broader definition of excellence and courage,” she wrote.

At the same time, New York Times columnist Lindsay Crouse wrote that Byers is one of a growing number of young athletes who are paying more and more attention to their careers and unrealistic public expectations.

“Obviously, everyone wants to win. So it’s exciting that many of these stars also realize that being the greatest person means understanding your own variable limits and when you should overcome pain — and when not Force it,” she wrote.

“How many Olympians have we seen fighting hard, persevering, and then falling apart after the Olympics?”

She added: “These young men and women have extraordinary talents and perform well under incredible pressure, but they are not superhumans.” “We have no right to expect them to be.”


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