Toronto man charged after posting photos of Alberta judges taken at court hearings for COVID-19 violations

Toronto man charged after posting photos of Alberta judges taken at court hearings for COVID-19 violations



A Toronto man has been charged for posting photos of an Alberta judge who recently ruled that four men who refused to wear masks and denied COVID-19 had repeatedly violated public health restrictions and judge orders.

This is the second known violation of the privacy of a judge in weeks. Earlier this month, news broke that lawyers at the Constitutional Freedom Justice Center had hired the Chief Justice of Manitoba, Glenn Joyal, who is presiding over court challenges related to the province’s lockdown measures. — Follow his home and hut.

The task of Judge Adam Germain of the Throne Court is to deal with all violations of judge orders related to the Alberta pandemic. The goal is to control repeated offenders who refuse to comply with public health restrictions and encourage others to follow suit.

Donald Smith, the anti-mask and pandemic denial supporter of Calgary mayor candidate Kevin Johnston, admitted in court on Tuesday that he took pictures of Germanic and Alberta Health Service (AHS) lawyer Mark Jackson. Photo.

He was charged with contempt of court.

Smith called the judge “distorted”

These images were taken during a virtual court hearing held on WebEx (similar to Zoom’s video conferencing software). At the beginning of all hearings, Germain issued a warning, saying that no images or audio recordings should be taken during the court session.

Smith wrote on June 28: “The distorted #LiberalCalgaryJudge/former MLA formulation was the decision of Calgary Mayor candidate Kevin J. Johnston on Friday to see if Kevin can be released from prison.”

“I know that posting this picture of the judge will get me into trouble, but I really don’t care because it’s time to expose what these misrepresented judges are doing.”

Allegations of contempt include taking and posting photos, as well as allegedly documenting proceedings and posting uncertified transcriptions.

Smith, who attended the WebEx hearing on Tuesday, apologized for his behavior.

“It will never happen again, never happen again, you have my assurance,” he said.

“I’m very sorry. I did something wrong and it will never happen again.”

May go to jail, warn the judge

Smith said he was willing to pay the fine, but Germain warned that he might consider time in jail and encouraged the Ontario man to hire a lawyer.

Germain also pointed out that the WebEx video court hearing was changed, calling it “Donald Smith security enhancements.”

Smith is described as an “assistant” to the discredited Calgary mayor candidate Kevin Johnston, who admitted to criminal harassment of an AHS employee earlier this month.

Johnston posted the woman’s family photos and threatening information on his social media channels.

Contempt of court was postponed

Johnston was also convicted of causing riots in Calgary’s Core Shopping Center, when he had a dispute with employees after being asked to wear a mask.

Johnston was prosecuted by AHS and faces criminal charges in British Columbia and Ontario.

In 2019, a judge in Ontario ruled in a defamation lawsuit filed against Johnston, calling his actions “an annoying example of the worst hate speech, targeting people just because of their religious beliefs.” He had previously made Islamophobic remarks against a Muslim man.

The court opened on Tuesday to hear the sentencing applications of Johnston, Pastor Art Pawlowski and his brother Dawid, and Whistle Stop Cafe owner Christopher Scott. Convicted of contempt of court Violation of various orders related to the promotion of gatherings against public health restrictions.

All men’s lawyers have requested an adjournment and will now submit their opinions next month.

AHS has stated that it plans to seek imprisonment and recover costs.


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