After the judge overturned the threat of a $250 daily fine, the mother and daughter won the fight to keep the “F**k Biden” flag at home

After the judge overturned the threat of a $250 daily fine, the mother and daughter won the fight to keep the “F**k Biden” flag at home



After the judge previously ordered them to remove the blasphemy signs, the mother and daughter who hoisted the “F**k Biden” flag in New Jersey won a court appeal.

The Law Department of the New Jersey Superior Court dropped the charges against Andrea Dick and her mother, Patricia Dilascio. They were ordered by the city judge to remove these signs, otherwise they would face a fine of $250 per day.


New Jersey woman Andrea Dick wins an appeal, allowing the posting of the “f–k Biden” signCredit: WABC

According to the city government, Dick’s neighbors have filed many complaints against her. American Civil Liberties Union, Who represents the daughter and the homeowner.

Other signs that Dick hangs up include “Socialism sucks,” “Biden strikes,” and “Joe Biden sucks.”

ACLU-NJ executive director Amol Sinha stated that this decision is the right step for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

“The First Amendment exists to ensure that people can express strong opinions on political issues or any other issues without worrying about being punished by the government,” she said after making the decision.

“Today’s decision confirms that our position is correct: Luoshenyuan has no reason to impose fines on political signs and the town’s use of obscenity ordinances that violate the fundamental rights protected by the First Amendment. This is a simple case.

If Dick loses the case, she will have to pay a daily bill of $250 for each day the sign appears.

On June 3, Joseph Signorello, Mayor of Roselle Say He had an opinion on Dick not because of the political meaning of these signs, but because it was close to a place where school-age children could read the curse.

“It’s very close to an elementary school, so it’s particularly problematic,” Signorello said.

However, Dick said she was “unbelievable” about winning the case. She said that she “received at least 20 hate emails from California, North Carolina and Texas” and received many “angry calls.”

Dick said she received a lot of angry calls and hate emails


Dick said she received a lot of angry calls and hate emailsCredit: WABC


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