These adventurous cats bring joy to their owners and social media fans

These adventurous cats bring joy to their owners and social media fans



Canadians have embraced the outdoors In groups in the past year and a half Because of the lockdown associated with the pandemic-their furry, tree-climbing, bird-watching feline companions have been following suit.

These brave animals are called “adventure cats” because they are on a leash and explore the outside world with their owners, whether it’s hiking, kayaking or Even skiingMany people have gained a lot of social media attention in the process; the hashtag #adventurecats on apps such as Instagram and TikTok has brought thousands of results.

Although cats on a leash are still uncommon, Julie Posluns, who runs a cafe Online cat training school, Said that since the beginning of the pandemic, she has become more and more interested in her courses.

The Toronto resident said: “I think the more people realize that they are at home, the more they think,’Well, I think it’s time to cultivate some new family hobbies.'”

About six years ago, Posluns trained her own cat, Jones, to walk on a leash, and now advises customers on cat backpacks, seat belts, and other so-called “adventure cat” necessities.

Vancouver Island Adventure Cat

Chelsea Robinson, a long-time hiker, bought her Maine Coon kitten last winter. Within a few days after bringing her home, she fastened the cat named Fig and headed to the beach.

“She was fascinated,” she said. “To this day, wherever we go, the beach is her favorite place.”

Robinson said that Fig especially likes to watch the waves wash up on the beach.

Fig and Robinson take a walk every day, whether it’s a short walk to pick up Robinson’s children from school, or a few hours of hiking in the forest on weekends.

She said that throughout the pandemic, figs have been Robinson’s “bright spot”.

This is what she heard from people who follow Fig’s adventures online; Robinson shared photos and videos of their activities on Instagram and TikTok, Fig has accumulated nearly 150,000 fans in total.

“She brought a lot of joy to people,” Robinson said.

Siberian forest cat in Ottawa, can kayak

Another cat owner, Aleena Fiorotto, said that when she raised her Siberian forest kitten Finnegan last year, she “decided to raise an adventure cat”.

Fortunately, Finn’s easy-going temperament makes traction rope training relatively easy, she said.

“I can take him anywhere, any situation, any type of new animal or anything. He is like,’This is good,'” Fiorotto said.

The two even went kayaking-although Fiorotto said that Finn was a little “skeptical” about the mobile dock at first, but he was happy once they left.

“He settled down, just lay down and admired the scenery,” she said.

Fiorotto also shared her cat’s achievements on Instagram, and Finn has more than 21,000 followers on Instagram.

She said that having an adventurous cat prompted Fiorotto to go out instead of being alone. She likes to see how Finn interacts with the world around him, and how he interacts with happy strangers on the trail.

So do you want your own adventurous cat?

Some experts say that although cats can benefit from walking with a leash, there are several factors that should be considered before you try to do so.

Posluns said that before you consider going out, you need to test strong seat belts and leashes on cats in your house, because many cats don’t like the feeling of seat belts at first. It is best to introduce it step by step.

“I think it’s important to remember that we did this to make our cat rich first,” she said. “Not for them to take some fun adventures on social media to take pictures-but, for example, what will enrich your cat’s life?”

Dr. Maggie Brown-Bury is a veterinarian and a representative of the Newfoundland and Labrador Veterinary Association of Canada. She said that bringing leashes to our feline friends is a way to “let them do more activities and adventures in their lives.” Great way”.

But she said that when you adapt cats to leashes and outdoor activities, you need to be consistent with their body language. Signs of your cat being unhappy outside include flat ears, unwillingness to move, arched body, and open mouth breathing-these are signs of stress.

“But if they walk around, sniff and explore, then they feel really good,” Brown-bury said.

For those who think that cats should not be allowed to go out, because it is dangerous to local wild animals and the cats themselves? Brown-Bury said that if the cat is controlled with a leash, the risk is small.

She said: “Keeping a cat outside in a controlled manner is not more dangerous for cats than for your dog.”

Brown-Bury said that if you really plan to take your cat out, chip recognition is a must, as are parasite injections and regular deworming appointments.


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