Disney will close almost all its stores in Canada next month

Disney will close almost all its stores in Canada next month



Disney plans to close almost all of its retail stores in Canada next month.

The iconic chain announced in March that it planned to close 60 stores in North America this year, but did not make specific comments on its Canadian stores, when the number of Canadian stores was 18.

The company’s statement at the time said: “Although consumer behavior has shifted to online shopping, the global pandemic has changed consumer expectations of retailers.” “Disney will maintain a flexible approach and continue to develop its retail strategy to To best meet the needs of consumers anytime, anywhere.”

Since then, two stores in British Columbia and one store in Ontario have been closed. It now appears that all remaining stores will be closed within a few weeks.

The chain currently has 3 locations in Vancouver, two locations in Calgary, two locations in Edmonton, one location in Winnipeg, one location in Ottawa, and seven locations in the Greater Toronto Area . According to the store location map on the company’s Canadian website, all stores except for the two GTA stores indicated that they will be closed on August 18.

A Disney spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the fate of the two GTA stores. According to the chain’s website, the two stores have apparently not closed: one is located in the downtown Eaton Center, and the other is located in Scarborough, the eastern end of the city .


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