Column: Meeting David Duke, the Great Wizard of KKK | Race Issues

Column: Meeting David Duke, the Great Wizard of KKK | Race Issues



Satan recently guest-starred in France’s highest-rated evening news program. He suddenly appeared, expressed his enthusiasm for the attempted coup in the United States in January, and incited the big lie that the result of the 2020 US presidential election was illegal.

The legal name of the screen demon is David Ernest Duke, a 71-year-old self-proclaimed white nationalist, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist, and convicted felon , And the priest of former President Donald J. Trump who was impeached twice.

The most well-known Duke in the United States is the former great wizard of the KKK Knights. This is the oldest white supremacist terrorist hate group in the United States. It is also the lead actor in the 1915 silent film “The Birth of a Nation” by director DW Griffith.

Some Americans respect Duke as their champion. For example, last week, the Texas Senate voted to remove a requirement that public schools in the second largest state in the United States should teach the KKK and its white supremacist terrorist activities “morally wrong.” Others laughed at him as an old racist politician who was almost forgotten. Facebook banned him in 2018. Twitter reduced his subscription content to 53,000 followers in 2020 because of his “hateful behavior.”

Duke is still a terrible line in the structure of this country, and lingering evidence shows that the United States no longer has anything too terrifying for human credibility.

I can guarantee that Duke fits that ruthless definition, because the New York Daily News, where I reported the crimes of New York City to the Civil War in Latin America, sent me to the Jefferson Diocese of Louisiana to meet him in 1978, and brought detailed The story goes back to how this 1960s child of peace, love and brown rice missed Woodstock in some way and turned into a professional racist. The conventional wisdom at the time assured us that the baby boomers in the United States — like Duke, born between 1946 and 1964 — were conservative and liberal political superstars, and they were more enlightened. Duke is an unbearable exotic mutant.

Or we are led to believe. Instead, I got stuck in a creepy family newspaper for about three hours and never filed the story. This was the only time my editor had let me go off the deadline.

It is impossible to determine what triggered Duke’s perversion. Today, more than 40 years after my encounter with the Wizards, over the years I have reported some of the most serious global atrocities known to mankind, and my encounter with Duke continues to trigger horrible dreams that are actually faked.

KKK robes and hoods of various colors are hung on the hangers.

The office of the great wizard David Duke on the first floor is across the street from a comprehensive elementary school. Duke grabbed an unloaded rifle and threw it out an open window.

“Boom,” he shouted, pointing his weapon at a group of black kids resting outside.

“Don’t do that,” I said, but he kept beating until the children ran away.

“Why did you do this?”

Duke turned around. His blue eyes are glaring and frightening. He uses a long rifle like the baton of an orchestra conductor, brandishing his weapon, and heading towards the dozens of picture frames nailed high on the office wall.

“These are twelve Jewish types,” Duke said. “Study them,” he added, pausing for a moment. “Your name is not Jewish,” he continued, with more questions than statements, frightening.

“I am Greek,” I said.

“It’s great,” Duke growled. “The Greeks understand purity,” he added. “Let’s eat crayfish at noon.”

Duke picked up the car keys and walked to a station wagon.

“Look at this,” he said, flipping a switch. A large cross decorated with countless luminous bulbs automatically appeared from the rear of the vehicle.

Duke’s chatter while driving is full of “n*****s” and “k***s”. He often uses violent racial mud as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in the same sentence.

“What kind of woman do you like?” Duke asked.

“Well, my girlfriend is a blonde.”

“That’s great,” he said excitedly. “I like blondes too,” he added, suddenly grabbing my shoulder as we drove into the parking lot.

“You must be careful,” Duke warned. “A lot of blondes are Jews with dyed hair.”

In the restaurant, dozens of people lined up and slapped Duke. I decided that the decoding of community insanity is best left to medical professionals or statisticians at Quinnipiac University. Their most recent national poll showed that 85% of Republicans would like to see candidates running for public office in 2022. Most agree with Trump, 66% of people want to see him run for president in 2024.

The devil is indeed in the details.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.


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