Florida condominium collapsed body search officially ends infrastructure news

Florida condominium collapsed body search officially ends infrastructure news



Police and forensic experts continue to identify human remains found in the disaster.

Firefighters officially ended their search for bodies in the rubble of the collapsed Surfside apartment complex on Friday, although police and forensic experts continue to work to identify human remains.

Miami-Dade assistant fire chief Raide Jadallah told the Associated Press that the role of the fire department in restoring the remains of the collapsed Surfside apartment has ended. They left the scene in a convoy of fire trucks and other vehicles, and then drove slowly to their headquarters.

The collapse on June 24 resulted in death At least 97 people The identity of at least one person believed to have been missing in the disaster has yet to be determined.

After the collapse that killed at least 97 people on June 24, the search was officially over [File: Jose A Iglesias/Pool via Reuters]

Site in Surfside It’s empty nowHowever, this is still a challenge for local officials. An engineer hired to help find the cause of the building’s collapse warned that the site may still be unsafe.

Structural engineer Allyn Kilsheimer told Surfside and Miami-Dade officials in a letter on Thursday that Collins Avenue could collapse because the remaining walls near the road could collapse. The Miami Herald and WPLG first reported this development on Friday.

“We believe that there is a potentially dangerous situation at the scene, and the wall is in danger of collapsing,” Kilsheimer wrote.

All the remains of the Champlain Building are the walls of the underground parking lot, surrounding a hollowed-out foundation. Kilsheimer said that if these walls are not supported by more, nearby traffic may collapse them, and part of the street will be destroyed. Fall into emptiness.

Kilsheimer of KCE Structural Engineers wrote: “If the wall collapses or rotates substantially, the reserved soil under the streets and sidewalks may move with it.”

Relatives of Mrs. Vanessa Luna Villalba mourned in front of the coffin in her home, Eugenio Garay, Paraguay. On June 24, the nanny Luna Villalba hired by the sister of the first lady of Paraguay, Silvana Lopez Moreira (Luna Villalba) is Surfside, Florida. One of the victims of the collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium. [File: Jorge Saenz/AP Photo]

He suggested building an earth embankment to support the walls near streets and sidewalks. Otherwise, the campaign “may cause some parts of the street to collapse and may severely damage the public facilities under the street,” he wrote.

Rachel Johnson, director of communications for Miami-Dade County, told the Herald that Miami-Dade County is calling in staff to help support the remaining underground walls.

“We are looking for a company to support and support the wall to ensure that there is no risk,” she said.

National Institute of Standards and Technology, a federal agency Investigation collapsed, Has been monitoring the security of the website.

Since June 24, Collins Avenue, the main passage on the barrier island, has been closed to traffic, but town officials have stated that Collins Avenue will be opened soon.

In the letter, Kilsheimer said that heavy rain would greatly increase the risk because the ground has been saturated with water.


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