A teenager threw a message in a bottle into the Pacific Ocean. Nine years later, a cleaner in British Columbia found it

A teenager threw a message in a bottle into the Pacific Ocean. Nine years later, a cleaner in British Columbia found it



Texting and Twitter are not the only way to communicate with the world, especially if you have enough patience.

A 26-year-old girl from Washington State proved that she appeared in a remote area of ??British Columbia’s coastline after losing long information in a bottle she threw into the Pacific Ocean nine years ago.

There are layers of luck and coincidence in this discovery and its connection with Brittney Amundsen in Washington State.

In late June, a cleanup crew was working on a section of the coast near Cape Esteban, north of Tofino, on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

They were there as part of a program funded by the provincial government to eliminate Large amounts of plastic waste washed up on the coastline.

CBC News staff are filming the project on site.

Watch | The author of the message in a bottle understands that find:

A cleaner working on the west coast of Vancouver Island found a message in a bottle. There is a note in it, dating back to 2012, written by a teenager living in Washington State. CBC’s Greg Rasmussen called her phone-but it still worked. 2:00

One of the workers, Jeff Ignace, found plastic water bottles in a pile of logs and other debris.

He lifted it to the light, revealing the paper inside.

‘Let’s open it’

“Let’s open it and see if it says anything,” he said as the others gathered together.

Ignace knocked on the bottle, and the note came out. The paper was further sealed in a kitchen plastic bag, and it took some time to remove the paper from the wrapping paper.

Unfortunately, it was soaked and rolled tightly, and no one seemed to know what was written on it.

But another crew member picked up the paper patiently with a knife, and spread it millimeter by millimeter onto a piece of dry driftwood.

A member of the BC Coastal Cleanup Team carefully unfolded this flooding message dating back to 2012 with a knife. (Greg Rasmussen/Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)

Inside is a note from Brittney Amundsen, who was 17 when she wrote this letter.

This email is dated March 17, 2012, short and simple. It explained where she was in faded ink and asked anyone who found it to get in touch with it.

(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)

There happened to be a small number of mobile phone services on a remote beach, so we called.

Nine years later, Amundsen still has the same number.

“I can not believe it!”

“I can’t even believe that someone got that, and I have the same phone number!” she said when she learned of the discovery.

“One day I said,’Hey, let’s write a message in the bottle and see if anyone receives it.'”

She said that after carefully wrapping it up, she threw it into the water not far from her father’s beach house near Grayland, Washington, southwest of Seattle.

This message was written by Brittney Amundsen of Washington State, who appeared here with her brother Bradyen when she was 17 when she wrote this letter. (Submitted by Britney Amundsen)

In a later email, she added more details.

“For nine years, I have been thinking about it regularly,” Amundsen wrote.

“I can’t believe it! I’m so excited that someone found it, and the news is still intact. Everyone I told this story was also shocked. I still have the phone number from nine years ago, and the letter still Some are intact.”

On the beach, the crew who spent weeks cleaning up the coast and collecting plastic fragments by tons said that this was the first time they found information in a bottle.

The situation has changed a lot since Amundsen sent that letter. She graduated from high school, became a dental hygienist, and had two children with her fiancé, but she still lives in Washington State.

Amundsen, 26, a mother of two children, was excited when she heard the long-lost information in the bottle was discovered. “I can’t even believe that someone got that, and I have the same phone number!” she said in an email. (Submitted by Britney Amundsen)

Although it takes a long time from sending to receiving a response, Amundsen said she might pick up the pen and notepad again.

“It definitely makes me want to write another message in the bottle,” she said.


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