
On Wednesday night, there was a gun violence frenzy that swept across the city in Chicago. Ten people were shot, including three teenagers.

Just after 6 pm on Wednesday, the police received a 911 call from North Lawndale and found that 5 people had been shot dead in the area.


Ernest Cato, deputy director of the Fourth District, said that 10 people were found with gunshot wounds in each other’s neighborhood.Credit: WLS

In less than five minutes, the police found five other people with gunshot wounds on the road.

Authorities said the two victims were rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Other victims went to the hospital for treatment on their own.

The police are still investigating whether the two shootings are related.

Ernest Cato, deputy commissioner of the Chicago Police Department, said: “This will be an effort that we need to participate in.”

“This approach will involve our community… We have a community with phone photos and Facebook information, and we will need your help.”

More attention…

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