In divided Peru, Castillo said he hopes to form a diversified government election news

In divided Peru, Castillo said he hopes to form a diversified government election news



The victory of Peruvian President-elect Pedro Castillo was confirmed after weeks of uncertainty exacerbated deep divisions.

Peruvian President-elect Pedro Castillo, speaking to reporters for the first time after his election, stated that he will seek to form a pluralistic government Victory is confirmed In this severely divided South American country.

The leader of the left-wing teachers’ union said on Tuesday that he plans to form a “working group” of people from different political factions.

Peru’s election jury confirmed on Monday that Castillo narrowly defeated right-wing competitor Keiko Fujimori, more than six weeks later Presidential runoff This further polarized the country, which was hit hard by COVID-19 and experienced years of political instability.

Castillo, who will take office next week, said: “We are calling on all experts and technicians, as well as the most outstanding and loyal people in the country.”

“We are forming a work team, and I see that there are people from various political fields who are interested in contributing to supporting this government.”

The results of runoff are delayed Fujimori once claimed -Without any evidence-voting is plagued by widespread voter fraud. Her legal team has tried to disqualify thousands of votes.

But international observers, including the Organization of American States (OAS), said they found no evidence of serious violations.

Fujimori-the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori, who was in jail for human rights violations-said she would accept the results, but reiterated her claim that Castillo had stolen votes to win and called on her supporters to mobilize to “defend democracy.”

Castillo has said that he hopes to raise funds through raising mining taxes to increase healthcare and education spending. His plan resonated in a country with the highest number of deaths per capita due to COVID-19 and the gap between urban and rural rich and poor.

But the experts have Talk about his many policies -And his plan to implement these plans-is still unclear.

“Even after being elected, Castillo is still an unknown number,” said Gonzalo Banda, a political scientist at the Catholic University of Santa Marta in Peru. Tell Al Jazeera Before the official results are announced on Monday.

Castillo is expected to face other obstacles, especially in Peru’s unicameral parliament, where his party will have 37 lawmakers out of 130 members, while Fujimori’s People’s Power Party will have 24 seats, the second largest group.

Supporters of Castillo and Fujimori in Peru have staged large-scale protests in recent weeks. Supporters of Castillo urge the election authorities to respect the wishes of the Peruvian people, while Fujimori hopes to investigate the fraud allegations of his preferred candidate.

“I ask the Peruvian people to remain calm and peaceful. This is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the responsibility of all Peruvians,” Castillo said.

He must quickly announce the appointment of his cabinet and key ministries.


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