Coronavirus News The latest from the UK: Boris Johnson says the pandemic is “far from over”, a vaccine passport for nightclubs in September

Coronavirus News The latest from the UK: Boris Johnson says the pandemic is “far from over”, a vaccine passport for nightclubs in September



Boris Johnson announced on Freedom Day that starting from the end of September, Britons must show evidence of two Covid jabs to enter the nightclub.

This shocking announcement was made after the ministers previously ruled out “party documents” and insisted that any such plans are voluntary for the nightclub.

In his Checkers speech when he was forced to quarantine for 10 days, the prime minister added: “We are concerned about the continuing risks posed by nightclubs, just like in other countries.

“I should give a notice now that by the end of September, when all people over 18 have a chance to be double stabbed, we plan to fully vaccinate the conditions for entering nightclubs and other crowded places.

“Proof that a negative test will no longer be enough. I don’t want to close the nightclub again like other places, but it does mean that nightclubs need to do socially responsible things and use NHS Covid passes.”

At midnight on Monday, a large number of British people enter the club to dance, drink and party, and Freedom Day starts early No masks or social distancing.

Read our Freedom Day live blog for the latest updates…


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