Teacher assistant at Valley Day School in Bucks County accused of having sex with a 14-year-old student

Teacher assistant at Valley Day School in Bucks County accused of having sex with a 14-year-old student



A teacher’s assistant at a school for children with special needs in Bucks County He was accused of having sex with a 14-year-old student.

According to reports, 38-year-old Jennilynne Derolf was arrested in Falls Township on Thursday. Bucks County District Attorney’s OfficeShe was charged with five felonies, involuntary deviation from sexual intercourse, statutory sexual assault, illegal contact with minors, gross indecency and institutional sexual assault, and two misdemeanors, indecent and corrupt minors.

Based on the probable affidavit, the student told investigators in an interview that he and Drollf (the assistant of his teacher at Valley Day School) began to cautiously chat on an app called Discord. Drov’s arrest. The student said that they spent time together in Falls Town Park and their relationship became “romantic” in June.

According to the allegation documents, the student’s grandmother contacted the authorities on July 13, and she told the police that she knew the relationship between the two.In the previous week Derov arrested Police call her The student had sex in her car at least three times-twice on Levittown Lake and once near a baseball stadium in the town of Bristol.

Valley Day School According to its website, it provides a dedicated learning environment for students who are classified as neurologically impaired or emotionally disturbed.

“The defendant’s actions are not only reprehensible, but criminal,” District Attorney Matt Weintraub said in a statement. “She not only violated the trust required for any teacher-student relationship, but also violated the children’s trust in all authoritative adults. She will be held responsible for her crimes.”

Drollf has been summoned and sent to Bucks County Correctional Facility to replace the $90,000 bail. Documents show that she will appear in court on Wednesday for a preliminary hearing. As of Sunday, there is no list of lawyers.


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