U.S. investigating health incidents similar to “Havana syndrome” among Vienna diplomats

U.S. investigating health incidents similar to “Havana syndrome” among Vienna diplomats



U.S. officials said on Friday that the Biden administration is investigating a series of mysterious health incidents recently reported by U.S. diplomats and other employees of the Vienna government.

Officials said that some of these symptoms are similar to those first reported by U.S. diplomats and spies in Havana in 2016 and 2017, but the exact cause has not been determined.

Five Canadian diplomats They and their family were also victims of mysterious health problems when they were sent to Cuba, including headaches, dizziness and cognitive problems.

US officials say that the State Department and medical teams elsewhere, including the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency, are examining more than 20 new cases.

The U.S. State Department stated: “In coordination with the U.S. government’s partners, we are actively investigating reports of unexplainable health incidents that may occur in the community of the U.S. Embassy in Vienna.” “Any employee who reports the possible occurrence of UHI will immediately receive appropriate attention and attention. Take care.”

Some people believe that the unexplainable damage is the result of a microwave or radio wave weapon attack. However, despite years of research, there is still no consensus on who was behind the incident or whether they were actually attacks.

According to officials, since the inauguration of US President Joe Biden, these Vienna-based employees have reported mysterious symptoms. The New Yorker magazine first reported the Vienna case on Friday.

For centuries, Vienna has been the center of espionage and diplomacy, as well as the center of secret espionage activities during the Cold War. The city is currently the site of indirect negotiations between Iran and the United States to save the nuclear agreement negotiated there in 2015.

These negotiations are now in a state of interruption, and it is not clear whether any members of the US negotiating team were injured.

First case reported in 2016

This problem is called “Havana Syndrome” because the staff of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba was affected in 2016. In May of this year, officials stated that at least 130 government cases were under investigation, compared with dozens of cases last year.

It is believed that those affected have reported headaches, dizziness and symptoms consistent with concussions, and some require months of treatment. Some people report hearing loud noises before the symptoms suddenly appear.

Of particular concern is that there are at least two possible incidents in Washington, DC, including a case of dizziness reported by officials near the White House in November.

Although some people believe that these injuries are the result of directed energy attacks, others believe that an increasing number of cases may actually be related to “mass psychogenic diseases” in which people learn of other symptomatic diseases. People start to feel unwell.


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