We are hiring a data editor

We are hiring a data editor



FiveThirtyEight is looking for an organized, process-savvy, and detail-oriented data editor to support some of the most ambitious work in our newsroom. This full-time role is an opportunity to apply your analytical and creative skills to all stages of story development, from conception to publication. In particular, the data editor will be responsible for reviewing the methodology and statistical choices in our stories, checking the accuracy of statistical and empirical statements in all coverage areas (including politics, sports, and science), publishing the data sets we created, and maintaining internal reference databases ( Including our unique polling database) and supervising the work of two research assistants.

Data editors will report to the copy supervisor and work closely with interactive editors to support our voting and data infrastructure. This full-time position with benefits is an American position and you can consider working remotely.To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume via the following methods Disney Career Portal. Due to the large number of applications we have received, we cannot reply to the personal emails sent to the hiring manager.


  • As a quantitative editor for daily and feature reports—that is, review method choices for data analysis of FiveThirtyEight reporters and freelancers, review the code in the analysis, and carefully review the statistical and empirical statements that are being made.
  • Cooperate with Copy Desk to manage daily and weekly editing workflow to ensure timely completion of quantitative editing.
  • Maintain our proprietary polling database with the help of two part-time research assistants, you will supervise them, and the support of the interactive team.
  • Publish the dataset to our public data repository and work with the Interactives team to maintain and improve these pages.
  • Work with journalists and interactive teams on data-intensive projects (especially those involving opinion polls), from ideation to publication.

Basic qualifications:

  • Experience in conducting raw data analysis and/or critically evaluating the work of others.
  • Demonstrated goodwill and generosity in successful cooperation in large multi-stakeholder projects, and completed complex tasks under deadline pressure.
  • In-depth understanding of statistical data (especially causal inference), survey methods, and the use of opinion polls.
  • Proficient in using spreadsheets, conceptual understanding of relational databases, proficient in at least one programming language (preferably R), and keen to learn new technologies as needed.
  • Obtain satisfactory ability from patience and gradual improvement and recording of evergreen data resources.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Journalism experience or a deep understanding of the editing process. If your experience is a copy editor or fact checker, so much the better, because meticulous attention to detail is the key.
  • Experience in reviewing and evaluating academic papers to identify and correct method flaws.
  • Have experience in supervising the work of others.
  • Have an in-depth understanding of American politics, especially electoral politics.
  • Passion for American sports and sports statistics.
  • Familiar with Ruby and Ruby on Rails experience.
  • Have an in-depth understanding of statistical models, such as models used to predict sports or election results.


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