U.S. Rep. Andy Kim donated the blue suit from the Congressional Uprising to the Smithsonian Institution

U.S. Rep. Andy Kim donated the blue suit from the Congressional Uprising to the Smithsonian Institution



U.S. Rep. Andy King helped clean up the U.S. Capitol after the January 6 uprising and assisted cleanup personnel late at night.

Now, the blue suit he wore that day is heading to the Smithsonian Museum.

The Democratic congressman representing New Jersey’s third congressional district said that the museum contacted him because it was looking for items to commemorate the event. uprising. Jin donated this suit earlier this month.

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The American History Museum confirmed that it has received the lawsuit, but it has no plans to display it immediately.

gold Tell NBC He originally purchased the J. Crew suit to attend the inauguration of President Joe Biden.Instead, he ended up wearing it because he Clear the debris of the Capitol -An act that has attracted national attention.

“This suit means a lot of different things to me,” Kim told NBC. “This was originally a suit I bought for celebration… I am very happy to wear a new suit on such a big occasion. Then this suit has a different meaning. I can’t help but see the January 6th The tragedy then turned into a suit, and I began to see it in the people of this country. From that day on, they saw a sense of hope and tenacity in it.”

in a Twitter topic, King said he wanted to make sure people remember the rebellion that former President Donald Trump’s supporters undermined the certification of the election results.

King said that this lawsuit kept bringing back the “horrible” memories of that day, and he was unable to separate the lawsuit from what happened. Nevertheless, he still sees it as a form of resilience and hope.

“Like my suit, what I did on its face on January 6th was not compelling,” Kim wrote. “I saw a mess and clean it up. I want to correct the mistakes that day as quickly and as practically as possible. Neither my suit nor my actions are memorable, but the story does not end there.

Kim wore this suit again when he voted to impeach Trump on January 13. He said there was still dust left by the uprising on its knees. Then he vowed never to wear it again.

“I even considered throwing it away,” Kim wrote. “It only brings back terrible memories. I will never be able to distinguish that suit from the events of January 6. I put it in my closet because I never want to see it again. .”

But when he received thousands of cards from people who had seen photos of him cleaning up the wreckage of the Capitol, he realized that it gave them hope.

So when the Smithsonian asked for it, he said yes.


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